Build Back Better Win the Youth Vote

How We Win With The Youth Vote

Tom Steyer and Indivisible Are Here To Show How We Win With The Youth Vote

How to keep winning with young voters and what we’ve accomplished recently. Use these actionable steps to push back against Trumpism and the Republican’t Party. How we win the youth vote with Tom Styer and Indivisible.

Tom 2020 Logo

Youth Vote Rising

Last week, I joined NextGen America’s Power Hour, where we discussed the huge impact of the youth vote on the 2020 election and the future potential for this ever-growing electorate. I wanted to share some of the main takeaways from that discussion about the future of the youth vote.

NextGen was founded on the idea that young voters are key to progressive success, and this was proven true in 2020. Young people made the difference for Democrats, especially in the battleground states. It showed that organizing matters. The youth vote matters.

This past election saw young voters make up a larger share of the electorate nationwide than we have ever seen. More than 53% of young voters aged 18-35 showed up, and that means 26 million young voters cast their ballots in November. But even more impressive than that, 73% of the voters that NextGen talked to turned out and voted — a higher rate than youth that NextGen didn’t contact.

The NextGen community turns out at much higher rates that their peers [graph]

For 2022, our best strategy is to deliver results now. Young people came out for the promise of climate action, racial justice, and workers’ rights. They voted for change. And for change to stick, Democrats need to deliver on campaign promises, and organizers need to continue showing that voting DOES matter. And we must fight the direct efforts to suppress the youth vote across the country. That is how we win.

Investing in the youth vote is a blueprint for winning future elections.


Build back better, Indivisible style 😎

Indivisible Project is a locally-led, people-powered movement of thousands of local groups. Active in red, blue, and purple states, and in urban, suburban, and rural areas. Our mission is to power and lift up a grassroots movement of local groups to defeat the Trump agenda. We help elect progressive leaders, and review bold new progressive policies.


Last week, President Biden shared the first part of his Build Back Better plan with the country. An American Jobs Plan. The American Jobs Plan (AJP, for short) is the first part of the Biden Administration’s Build Back Better Package. It works to address physical infrastructure and the care economy. We expect the President to release a second plan later. That will address other critical parts of Recovery focused on human infrastructure. 

There are a lot of great things to note in the AJP, and you can read all about them here in our latest resource. But as you already know, this recess we’ve been pushing for the boldest recovery package possible, and for us, that’s the THRIVE agenda. 

As a reminder, here’s what we’re looking for when we say bold and progressive recovery: 

  • Size: We need big, bold investments in order to create the jobs needed to address mass unemployment, racial injustice, a public health crisis, and climate change.
  • Scope: The scope of recovery needs to be broad in order to touch all sectors of the economy and usher in a transformative regenerative economy with lasting benefits for all.
  • Standards: In order to tackle the climate crisis, address racial inequality, and build worker power all investments must be tied to strong environmental, equity, and labor standards.
  • Speed: We must pass recovery quickly, both because it is urgently needed and because there is a short political window during which we can pass bold legislation.

The THRIVE agenda is the progressive investment in our future and our democracy. We need to (quite literally) thrive under the new Biden administration. We know that a robust and comprehensive package is possible, but only if we demand it. This spring recess has been a great way to flex our progressive power. So we need to keep the momentum going! Make sure to keep calling your representatives and your senators to ask them to support our March and April recess asks. Then, take a look at the Recovery Recess event map to see if there’s a local or virtual event near you and sign up to attend.

win youth vote with Indivisible


Indivisibles in Arizona, along with more than 30 other groups in the state, are pressuring corporations. Asking them to denounce the massive amount of GOP voter suppression bills making their way through the Arizona legislature. While many of these corporations have publicly supported the right to vote. Behind the scenes, they’ve donated thousands to the state legislators responsible for anti-democratic bills.

We have to keep making calls until every member of Congress is on board with the THRIVE agenda and is committed to a fast passage of the recovery bill.

With that, here are your weekly to-dos:

 Your weekly to-dos 

  1. Last chance to attend a Recovery Recess event! It’s the second week of spring recess, so make your voice heard this week before your reps head back to D.C.! We need a bold recovery package that delivers real climate solutions, and advances racial, Indigenous, gender, and economic justice. Along with the THRIVE Resolution, we’re applying pressure on. To pass critical democracy reforms, like the For the People Act and D.C. statehood. Without letting the filibuster get in the way. 
  2. Ask your representative to co-sponsor the THRIVE Agenda. With the climate crisis continuing to intensify, the economy entering a deep recession, and the need for racial justice and healing being felt as acutely as ever, the case for a Green New Deal-style policymaking is stronger than ever before. 
  3. Watch and share our latest video on why relying on the budget reconciliation process in the Senate is unsustainable. Budget reconciliation can be a confusing process, so our latest video explains what reconciliation is, and how the only path forward is to eliminate the filibuster once and for all. 
  4. Get a jump start on next week and make a call to support D.C. statehood. Next week is a HUGE week for D.C. statehood! With a bill mark-up, Emancipation Day, and more, we have to make the most of these moments to support this crucial part of democracy reform.
  5. Take action for democracy reform with the For the People Project. Check out our For the People Project page to learn more about our plans and find ways to take action. 

P.S. We rely on your support to keep call pages up and running, fund ads to get the word out, and continue all the work we’re doing this year. If you’re able, click here to donate to help fund our work.

 Next week on the Hill

It’s Recovery Recess and Indivisibles across the country are pressuring their members of Congress. They’re home in their district offices for the week. While the Hill may be quiet this week, next week will be full of action! Not only will the House be working hard on Biden’s Build Back Better plan. For which they’ll have lots of feedback from constituents like you who. All want to see the plan on par with THRIVE. Now it’s also a BIG week for democracy! 

Starting on Wednesday, April 14, the House will be marking up the D.C. statehood bill. First, bringing it one step closer to the House floor for a vote. On Thursday, in recognition of Tax Day, Indivisible groups will be uplifting the importance of D.C. statehood. How residents of D.C. pay taxes, yet have no representation in Congress. And Friday is D.C. Emancipation Day. Which celebrates the freeing of thousands of slaves in the district A full eight months before the Emancipation Proclamation freed slaves in the South. If you’d like to participate in the Democracy Days of Action with our partners, share the resources below with everyone you know.

National Events Help Us Win The Youth Vote

POC Caucus Conversations: COVID Vaccine – Increasing Equity, Decreasing Hesitancy 

Join us on Tuesday, April 27 at 8 pm ET / 5 pm PT for Indivisible’s People of Color Caucus conversation with Dr. Ebony Hilton and Hale Young of the National Domestic Workers Alliance. We’ll be discussing equity in vaccine distribution, vaccine hesitancy, and how to support vaccine equity. Have conversations with our community who may be hesitant to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. RSVP here.

Truth Brigade’s New Program Launch

Join us on Wednesday, April 14 at 6:30 pm ET / 3:30 pm PT for big News from the Truth Brigade! We’re kicking off our new Moving the Media Program. When we’ll learn from Media Matters how the media fails, By both intentionally and unintentionally supporting large-scale misinformation. Then we’ll take action together to influence those influencers. Sign up here.

Sexual Assault Awareness Month 

There’s a lot going on in April. So we’ve decided to change up the focus of the content we share here each week this month. In recognition of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, we’re uplifting the voices of survivors. By sharing resources to support our loved ones, and talking about the ways we can disrupt rape culture. Here’s what we’re reading and streaming: 

🎧 DISINFORMED: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is facing a coordinated disinfo attack. In this bonus episode, Bridget Todd and Leslie Mac break down the double-edged sword of being a political woman of color in the public eye, and how it leads to disinformation campaigns and harassment. AOC has been under attack for bravely sharing her story as a sexual assault survivor, but she’s inspiring others to speak their truths. (There Are No Girls On The Internet, Feb. 2021).

📝 How to support loved ones during Sexual Assault Awareness Month and beyond, according to experts. This month can be difficult for survivors of sexual assault, which is why it’s so important to support the ones in our circles who may be struggling. Read and share these resources. (The Lily, April 1).

💻 You don’t have to be a superhero to disrupt rape culture. Check out this new animated short from the Me Too team about why being a disruptor is a crucial step in ending sexual violence, one brave action at a time. (Me Too, April 5).

This is the last week to be heard by your members of Congress right in your own backyard. Make the most of this time by showing up. It can be by making a call, or participating in a virtual event. Anything to put strategic pressure on your elected officials. Also don’t forget that you can keep following Recovery Recess with us on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram and tag us if you participate in a local event or action!

In solidarity, 
Indivisible Team

not dividedIndivisible Project is a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization. Donations are not tax-deductible. To give by mail, send a check to Indivisible Project, PO Box 43884, Washington, DC 20010.
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