Bernie checks all my boxes

Another Opinion Poll From Bernie Sanders 2020 Campaign

Another Opinion Poll From the Bernie Sanders 2020 Campaign

Here’s another chance to give Bernie your opinions and guide the path of the Campaign. Tell them what issues are most important to you.

 Take a couple minutes to complete our latest, official survey to say which issues are most important to you. We’ll register the feedback and get it to Bernie.

It was not that long ago that the ideas driving our campaign were considered fringe or extreme.

Raising the minimum wage to a living wage. Too radical. Guaranteeing health care to all as a right, not a privilege. Too radical. Aggressively combating climate change. Too radical. Reforming our broken criminal justice and immigration systems. Too radical. Not taking money from super PACs and the rich. Too radical.

Well, today those same ideas are supported by not only the majority of Americans, but also by many other candidates for president. That is thanks in large part to our political revolution. With the first fundraising quarter behind us, we wanted to check back in with you about the issues that matter most to you in this campaign.

Take a couple minutes to complete our survey to say which issues are most important to you.


Make no mistake about it, this struggle is not just about defeating Donald Trump. This struggle is about taking on the incredibly powerful institutions that control the economic and political life of this country.

And while we have won some victories in recent years, our struggles have not always been successful. So as we begin another campaign, it’s important to hear directly from you about the issues that motivate you. Because at the end of the day, it is the issues that drive the success of our campaign.

Share which issues you care about most by taking a few minutes to take our survey.

Your feedback is important, and we track how the collective response shifts over time. So thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts with us today.

In solidarity, Team Bernie

Paid for by Bernie 2020

(not the billionaires)
PO BOX 391, Burlington, VT 05402

You can also support the campaign when you shop for Bernie stuff you like at their official store

Shop For Bernie Gear Here at the Bernie 2020 Campaign Official Store


elect bernie sanders


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