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Bernie Campaign Truth Blog 12

Here’s Some True Facts About Bernie Sanders 2020

And nothing but the truth straight to you from his campaign team. Bernie is under attack by an enemy that has unlimited war chest of un-reportable private corporate interest money. Donors’ $3 donations fight back, but are nothing compared to the voting block of millions of supporters. Unite to resist Trump, the republicans, and their sponsors, the corporate special interests.


Just like that, our campaign is under attack from the corporate establishment.

This week, an organization that is the epitome of the political establishment — the Center for American Progress (CAP) — unleashed and promoted an online attack video against Bernie.

And behind the scenes on the day Bernie introduced his Medicare for All bill, they held a conference call with reporters attacking the bill. That is the Center for American Progress’ real goal. Trying to stop Medicare for All and our progressive agenda. CAP’s leadership has been pretty upfront about their disdain for Bernie — and for all of us. They see our political revolution as a threat to their privilege and influence.

So today, we have to do something VERY important. We have to send a message that their attacks will only make our campaign stronger. And we have to do it in the language they understand best:

Make a $3 donation to our campaign today as a way of saying you have had ENOUGH of deep-pocketed organizations working to defeat our progressive agenda. Every single donation sends a critical message.

The Center for American Progress is an organization whose massive annual budget is bankrolled by billionaires and corporate executives that profit from finance, pharmaceutical companies, fossil fuels, and sending American jobs overseas. Last year alone, they took funding from financial giants like Bank of America and Blackstone, whose CEO was chair of Trump’s business council and is a leading Republican donor. Before that, they cashed checks from companies like BlueCross Blue Shield, Pfizer, WalMart, and defense contractors like General Dynamics and BAE Systems.

They also took hundreds of thousands of dollars from the fossil fuel pumping United Arab Emirates while the country was bombing innocent civilians in Yemen – a war Bernie has led the fight to end. The Center for American Progress has deep connections to the economic and political elites who have done so much damage to working families in every zip code. And what we must do today is send a message that we are prepared to fight back against those who are working day and night to defeat our movement.

The establishment is panicked because together we are building a campaign that is on its way to winning the Democratic nomination, beating Trump and transforming America. If we come together to show that we won’t tolerate their attacks, organizations like Center for American Progress will think twice before attacking our campaign again.

In solidarity, Team Bernie

Do you know how powerful you are, voters?

You have some of the wealthiest members of the political establishment hiding behind closed doors — with their canapés — plotting how to defeat our political revolution.

You have some of the biggest players in Washington frantically putting their heads together for how to stop us. You have career political operatives begging the financial elite for money to start new efforts to derail our movement. You have some of these same people telling the New York Times that we need to “fall in line.” They are doing this not because they fear Bernie Sanders. They fear all of us together.

They know what we know: It’s not about me. It’s about us.

If there is one thing that the political and financial elite of this country understand, it is money in politics. And they don’t like that more than one million contributions have already brought our campaign this far.

Our power comes from a simple, timeless truth: when people come together, there is nothing we cannot accomplish. So let’s make sure we respond in a way they are sure to understand, with an huge fundraising drive for our campaign.

In solidarity, Bernie Sanders
Paid for by Bernie 2020

(not the billionaires)
PO BOX 391, Burlington, VT 05402

Here comes the kitchen sink,

According to the New York Times, the financial establishment of this country is gathering at “canapé-filled fund-raisers,” plotting campaigns to stop us. David Brock, who led a multi-million dollar smear campaign against us in 2016, is looking to lead the effort and hopes “an anti-Sanders campaign” will start “sooner rather than later.”

This is a serious threat to our campaign, and we need to treat it as such.That is why we are launching an emergency 48-hour fundraising drive to combat these attacks. Because Bernie cannot do it alone. Ours is the campaign that will beat them. But only if we all chip in and do our part.


We have said from the start that we are taking on very powerful forces in this country — forces that profit mightily from protecting the status quo and the establishment thinking that gave rise to Trump.

In solidarity, Faiz Shakir, Campaign Manager

Paid for by Bernie 2020

(not the billionaires)
PO BOX 391, Burlington, VT 05402

Donald Trump may be rich, but most of the money he raises for his campaign doesn’t come from big contributions.

In fact, Donald Trump is the first person in the modern era to ever be elected president while relying mostly on small donations to fund his campaign.

If that’s shocking to you, it should be. During the time that you helped raise $18 million this year, Donald Trump raised $30 million – and nearly two-thirds of that money came from small donations like those that power our campaign.

Here is what I believe: we cannot defeat Donald Trump with a candidate who relies on big money. The billionaire class is not going to save us. We will not take back the White House with fancy fundraisers with Wall Street executives.

The only kind of campaign that can challenge and defeat Donald Trump is one that is also powered by small-dollar donors.

And that is why I am asking you now, before tonight’s fundraising deadline, to make a contribution to our campaign.

Please make a $3 contribution to Bernie 2020 and send an unmistakable message that the White House will be won with small donations – not with Wall Street fundraisers.


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