Barr Cleans Up DC

Bernie Talks About Mueller Report

Bernie Is Talking About The Mueller Report

When you see Bernie on the campaign trail, you will hear him talk about the still unreleased Robert Mueller Special Investigation Report. Kept secret from America like Trump’s tax returns. Hidden for the same reasons.

Today the Attorney General of the United States received Robert Mueller’s report into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Those findings should be released to the American people. And they should be released soon.

The president claims that’s what he wants. The American people deserve to know the extent of Russia’s attempts to undermine our American democracy and if our president colluded in that effort in any way. So, while we wait for the Attorney General to make his decision on whether to release this report, we want to make sure he hears your calls for full transparency on this issue. That’s why we are asking:

Petition to stop Trump and republicans
Sign our petition to call on Attorney General William Barr to release the full findings of the Mueller investigation to the American people as soon as possible.

As our friends on Fox News and in the right-wing media attack and attempt to discredit Robert Mueller today, let us not forget that he was appointed as FBI Director by George W. Bush, was reappointed by Barack Obama and is a man who has a lot of bipartisan support.

He was given the assignment to determine whether the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians to undermine American democracy — a question of enormous consequence.

The American people deserve to know the answer.

As Donald Trump said, “Let it come out, let the people see it.” We call on the Trump administration to make Special Counsel Mueller’s full report public as soon as possible. No one, including the president, is above the law.

So we’re asking:

Sign our petition to call on Attorney General William Barr to release the full findings of the Mueller investigation to the American people as soon as possible.

Thank you for adding your name. We’ll be in touch with more.

All our best,
Team Bernie

Petition to stop Trump and republicans



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Bernie checks all my boxes


Trump continues to side with Vladimir Putin over U.S. intelligence, and changes course on major policy decisions to kowtow to Russian interests. An investigation into Trump’s finances could clear up questions of where his loyalties actually lie.

Thank you,
Tom Steyer 
Founder -Need To Impeach

PO Box 538 | San Francisco, CA 94104



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