Move On Petition To Have William Barr Resign
This Is A Move On Petition To Force William Barr To Resign
Attorney General William Barr has disgraced his office to be Trump’s personal lap dog advocate and fixer. is circulating this petition to end the Barr obstruction to our right to know.
Dear fellow MoveOn member,
Before anyone could see the Mueller Report, William Barr chose to tell the American public that the report effectively exonerated the president. From there, he released a redacted report that shares a different story about Trump’s complicity in attempting to impede the Trump-Russia investigation. He has used his position to protect the president, rather than seek justice. He needs to resign.
After a clearly biased and unjust summary of the Mueller Report and an unprecedented press conference attempting to mislead the American people, this substandard attorney general needs to resign immediately.
The U.S. attorney general is supposed to protect the Constitution and the American people. He should not be working solely to protect a corrupt president, especially one that has pushed forward an aggressively anti-immigrant, xenophobic, and racist agenda in addition to possibly working to undermine an investigation into his own administration.
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—Emerson Clauss
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