
Mueller Report Is Done

Special Investigation by Robert Mueller Is Done -Can We See It?

Now that the Mueller Report is done, the Republican’ts want to make it an epic quest for the American people if they want to know what the findings really are. It is now time to apply political pressure with letters, emails, faxes, petitions and EVERYTHING it will take to keep the already narrowly focused investigation’s results from being swept under the rug. It will require cooperation from enough Republicans who still fear their real constituents when they hear from them. Sure there are leaders of that party that are so connected with the Russians who helped them steal the Presidency that they must double down rather than ‘fess up. The will of he American people will make that a losing gambit. Get motivated NOW!

Read ON!

There’s no excuse for this level of secrecy. Robert Mueller did not exonerate Donald Trump, and we need to know why.
Neither Congress nor the American people have seen Mr. Mueller’s report. We don’t know why Mr. Mueller is declining to prosecute, or what Mr. Barr isn’t telling us.
We deserve to see the Mueller report in its entirety — and Congress should not accept anything less on our behalf. Add your name alongside tens of thousands of people calling on Attorney General Barr to release the Mueller report in full.
Thank you for standing up for our rights.
Tom Steyer
Need to Impeach


Kat Bocanegra Speed, Need to Impeach

A lot has happened since Friday. While we continue to push Attorney General Barr to release the full Mueller report, let’s take stock of where we are with the fight for impeachment:
  • Mueller explicitly did not exonerate the President. While he made no conclusion on obstruction of justice, Barr made his own decision not to prosecute Trump — which is no surprise considering Trump appointed Barr, knowing he doesn’t believe a sitting president can obstruct justice.
  • Impeachment doesn’t hinge on indictments. Many of Trump’s corrupt actions — enacting policies to enrich himself, undermining investigations, and asking Russia to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails — may not reach the threshold for an indictment. But they are certainly impeachable offenses.
  • Collusion is not conspiracy. Mueller was looking at the legal definition of “criminal conspiracy,” which is different than the threshold of “collusion” Congress would be using for impeachment. And there is still “significant evidence of collusion,” as House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff said this weekend.
  • No cloud has been lifted. Mueller’s investigation has led to indictments, guilty pleas, or convictions of half a dozen members of Trump’s inner circle. He is the most corrupt president in American history. Between Mueller’s investigation and what we already know, there’s enough evidence to impeach Trump 10 times over.
  • Constitutional scholars are confident on 10 impeachable offenses. Barr’s letter doesn’t change the bottom line. Mueller’s report only concerns two of Trump’s impeachable offenses — Congress can no longer use the ongoing investigation as an excuse to avoid holding the President accountable.
Thanks for being committed to the fight for impeachment. We’re insisting that Attorney General Barr release the whole report, and calling on Congress to hold a public hearing with Mueller. Please, share this information with friends and family so they can stay in the loop on impeachment, and ask them to sign the petition to demand the release of the full Mueller report.
Kat Bocanegra Speed
Deputy Director, Research 
Need to Impeach


David Sievers, MoveOn Civic Action

Dear MoveOn member,

Don’t buy Trump’s lies.

Mueller took almost two years to investigate Russia’s interference in the 2016 election—and along the way Congress and the American public were able to confirm that there was a high level of foreign influence with a clear preference for Trump.

We know Trump has been surrounded by corrupt, criminal activity: from his campaign chairman Paul Manafort, to his personal lawyer Michael Cohen, his longtime confidant Roger Stone, his former national security adviser Michael Flynn, his former campaign aide Rick Gates, his former campaign adviser George Papadopoulos, and many others.1 We also know from Attorney General William Barr’s letter to Congress that the report did not exonerate Trump of obstruction of justice; that was Barr’s decision in less than two days. The American public deserves—and demands—to see the full Mueller report, not just Barr’s summary and hasty exoneration.

Sign the petition demanding the Justice Department release the full Mueller report to the public.

A brief “summary” by a hand-picked political appointee does not change the fact that the impact of Mueller’s findings is far-reaching, with consequences still to be felt—from the nearly 200 criminal charges already filed, many of them implicating key Trump advisers, to the ongoing investigations based on Mueller’s work by the Southern District of New York, Congress, and other entities.
We can’t settle for a brief and partisan overview of Mueller’s report; we deserve to see it entirely. Can you add your name to demand that Barr release the full Mueller report to the public?

Mueller’s report MUST be made public, and Congress must be prepared to do everything in its power to obtain it if the Trump administration and Justice Department refuse to be transparent.

Trump has lied and attacked this investigation at every turn—even while carrying out corruption, self-enrichment, and attacks on constitutional rights in plain sight!

The list of Trump’s deceptions, corruption, and attacks on our Constitution is long and atrocious: 

Now Trump is guilty of: using the public treasury to pay into Trump’s private properties; violation of the emoluments clause, firing James Comey; interfering to get his son-in-law a security clearance; allowing his children to mix private business with public service; lying about the tragedy in Puerto Rico and failing in relief efforts; separating and traumatizing families and children at the border; initiating fierce attacks against Muslims, immigrants, people of color, and the LGBTQ community; politicizing a fake national emergency to circumvent Congress; paying hush money to silence women with whom he had affairs; putting lobbyists in charge of agencies that then serve those same lobbyists’ private interests, and so much more.

So no one should be surprised

So no one should be surprised that Trump and his administration cannot be taken at their word. They lie often and with no shame or regard for our democracy.
House Judiciary Chair Jerry Nadler, former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara, former U.S. chief ethics officer Walter Shaub, leading lawyers, scholars, journalists, and political leaders have all issued the same call: Barr, who was handpicked by Trump after he attacked the Mueller investigation and who has publicly espoused a broad view of executive privilege, is not a fair arbiter and has not earned the benefit of the doubt.
So Congress must remain emboldened to demand answers and accountability. The media cannot be cowed by Trump’s triumphant, dismissive, and deceptive tweets and must continue to shine a spotlight on all of this corruption.
Our grassroots efforts led to pressure on Congress and the administration itself, brought over 100,000 people into the streets in hundreds of events across the country just two days after the midterm election, and gave cover for Mueller’s team to conduct and finish an independent investigation that led to nearly 200 criminal charges and paved the way for cases against Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, and others.
While our actions over this time period have made a difference. Now, we’ll continue to fight to get the report released—and continue the longer fight against corruption, unconstitutional actions, and violent attacks from this White House.
And keep up the fight.

Thanks for all you do.

—David, Isbah, Erik, Erica, and the rest of the team

Source: Because Facts Matter!

1. “Here are all of the Indictments, Guilty Pleas and Convictions from Robert Mueller’s Investigation,” Time Magazine, March 22 2019:

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Want to support our work? The MoveOn community will work every moment, day by day and year by year, to resist Trump’s agenda, contain the damage, defeat hate with love, and begin the process of swinging the nation’s pendulum back toward sanity, decency, and the kind of future that we must never give up on. And to do it we need your support, now more than ever. Will you stand with MoveOn?

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