true Bernie Sanders for President 2020

New Bernie Sanders Book Is Required Holiday Reading

The New Bernie Sanders Book Is Required Holiday Reading

Bernie Sanders Book Is Out. And if you love Bernie, this will be required holiday reading. It will prepare you for conversations with any anti-social people you sit with.

The first ballots get mailed in New Hampshire one month from TODAY!

So after this long campaign, we are just one month from voting in the first primary.
We are getting close.

Very close.

Now, this campaign is powered by two things: people and the issues Bernie has led on. So in honor of today’s milestone, we want to try something pretty radical and make you an offer that ties those two things together:

Contribute ANY amount today and we’ll send you a copy of Bernie Sanders’ book, Our Revolution. We have a limited number of books to give away, so donate now and we’ll send yours. Most people are contributing around $12.

Our Revolution Book

This book serves as the blueprint for many of the issues Bernie will lead on the issues that we’ll fight for together to the White House.

So please, with our FEC deadline looming. With early voting approaching. We are asking you to do something important:

Contribute ANY AMOUNT today and we’ll send you a copy of Bernie’s book, Our Revolution.

Thank you so much for everything you’ve done to support this campaign. We’re getting close to voting starting, and Bernie needs you now more than ever.

All my best,
Faiz Shakir
Campaign Manager

AS Of December 11,2019

Just over a month from today, the first votes will be cast in this primary. Votes in the bank. Hopefully votes for Bernie. That includes states like New Hampshire and Maine and Minnesota and Michigan. And we all remember how important those states can be to this campaign.

So this is it. Time to ramp up. And to do it right now. Because it is what we do today and going forward that will mean the difference between victory and defeat. So we are asking:

Can Bernie count on you to make one more $2.70 contribution to our campaign? This is so important.

We are trying to reach 5 million donations by this FEC deadline not because it’d be a historic accomplishment (and it would be). We’re doing it because hitting that mark puts us in position to win. And right now we’re pacing behind where we need to be. So please, chip in one more time and help us win this thing.

Good news: Our campaign has more donations, more volunteers, and more social media engagement than ANY campaign in the Democratic primary, and it’s not even close. This campaign is powered by people, and it’s why we’re going to win.

Bad news: Our opponents know we have the people, so they are going for the big money. Joe Biden’s super PAC is on the air in Iowa today with a massive ad buy. And Pete Buttigieg has multiple Manhattan fundraisers scheduled for this week.

So our job — and what we need to do to win — is to push for even more individual donations right now. Because that is how we fight back. It is our only chance.

Can you make a $2.70 contribution to our campaign today as a way of helping us fight back against the big money flooding into the race to defeat us?

joe biden vs bernie sanders comparison

This is the last time we’ll offer this limited-edition sticker, and we wanted to give you one more chance to get yours.

Contribute ANY amount to receive your very own “I Endorse Bernie” sticker. Your donation will put Bernie on a path to victory in Iowa and make it possible to win this primary.

I endorse Bernie sticker


The strength of our campaign comes from the number of people who are part of this movement.

That’s why it is so important that we show we are in this together. It is quite simply the only way we will win this election and transform this country.

So before voting begins in a couple months, we wanted to offer you this special sticker to show you stand with Bernie.

Chip in today and we’ll send you an “I endorse Bernie” sticker. Don’t wait to claim yours – this is a limited-time offer.

Thanks for being a part of this campaign.

In solidarity,
Team Bernie

 Paid for by Bernie 2020

(not the billionaires)

PO BOX 391, Burlington, VT 05402
Repeated here gratis as a public service of



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