Fake News idiot Republican't Devin Nunes

Petition To Investigate Devin Nunes For Conflict Of Interest in Russia Probe

Sign This Petition To Investigate Devin Nunes For Conflict Of Interest in Russia Probe.

Sign this petition re: investigating Giuliani and Devin Nunes

Dear MoveOn member,

One of Rudy Giuliani’s close associates has accused Representative Devin Nunes, a congressional ally of President Trump, of using taxpayer dollars to do the president’s bidding—and meeting with an ex-Ukrainian official to dig up dirt on former Vice President Joe Biden.1

Nunes, the lead Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, should have recused himself before the impeachment hearings began. Congress must thoroughly investigate these serious allegations.

Sign this petition demanding that Congress investigate Devin Nunes for his shady dealings with Ukrainian officials.

Rep. Nunes, ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee and one of President Trump’s most aggressive supporters in Congress, is suspected of meeting with former Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin in Vienna last year.2

The purpose of this alleged covert meeting? To obtain information on Trump’s political rival, former Vice President Joe Biden.

If true, these new accusations would implicate Rep. Nunes in the crime at the heart of Trump’s impeachment inquiry and raise new questions as to how deep the Trump administration’s corruption goes. Rep. Nunes is threatening and attempting to discredit news outlets like CNN that reported this story.

Congress must thoroughly and expeditiously investigate these claims. Rep. Nunes, who has access to classified and top-secret information, has already lied and sought to derail the House’s impeachment investigation, and we can’t let him cover up his own potential role in Trump’s scheme.

Click here to add your name to this petition, and then pass it along to your friends.

Thanks for all you do.
—Devon Nir, Common Cause

1.”Devin Nunes Renounces Reports He Played a Role in Ukraine,” The New York Times, November 24, 2019

2. Ibid.

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Thank you for signing my petition, Investigate Rep. Devin Nunes.

As of now, the petition has received 36928 signatures! To really make a difference, we need a lot more people to join in. Can you share this petition with all your friends?

Click here to share it on Facebook: Share on Facebook

Then, forward the email below to everyone you know.

—Devon Nir

Here’s a sample message to send to your friends:

call for impeachment with move onHi,

President Trump’s web of lies and corruption is continuing to grow and the latest to be implicated is California Representative Devin Nunes.

Rep. Nunes — ranking member of House Intelligence Committee and one of President Trump’s most aggressive supporters in Congress is under suspicion of meeting with former Ukrainian prosecutor general Viktor Shokin in Vienna last year. The purpose of this alleged covert meeting? To obtain information on Trump’s political rival, Vice President Joe Biden.

If true, these new accusations would implicate Rep. Nunes in the crime at the heart of Trump’s impeachment inquiry and raise new questions as to how deep the Trump administration’s corruption goes. Rep. Nunes is threatening and attempting to discredit news outlets like CNN that reported this story.

Congress must thoroughly and expeditiously investigate these claims. Rep. Nunes, who has access to classified and top-secret info rmation, has already lied and sought to derail the House’s impeachment investigation and we can’t let him cover up his own potential role in Trump’s scheme.

Add your name to tell Congress: the American people deserve a democracy where elected officials are held to the highest ethical standards and those who fail to meet such standards are held accountable.

That’s why I signed a petition to The United States House of Representatives, which says:

“One of Rudy Giuliani’s close associates has accused Rep. Devin Nunes, a congressional ally of President Trump, of using taxpayer dollars to do the president’s bidding and meeting with an ex-Ukrainian official to dig up dirt on Vice President Joe Biden. Congress must thoroughly investigate these serious allegations.”

Will you sign the petition, too? Click here to add your name:



Trump impeach Ukraine Giuliani Nunes whistle blower reveals all

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