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Put Trump on the stand

Bernie Wants A Vote To Put Trump On the Stand

Bernie Says Trump  Should Take the Stand and Defense His foreign Policy

Donald Trump has lied to us time after time about the Ukraine scandal. in his tweets, in his rally speeches, and to the press.

If the American people are ever going to get a straight answer from him, our senators must put Trump on the stand and make him testify under oath as part of his impeachment trial.

If Trump is as innocent as he says he is, this shouldn’t pose any problem. In fact, he should welcome the opportunity to exonerate himself. But if he refuses, it’ll speak volumes about whether we can trust his defense.

Tell your senators: Americans want the truth, and it’s your job to get it. Make Donald Trump testify under penalty of perjury.

Both President Nixon and President Clinton gave depositions around their impeachment inquiries. It’s now President Trump’s turn to speak to the American public — not on Twitter, not at one of his rallies, but under oath, with legal consequences on the line.

Trump has indicated that he “likes the idea” of testifying and would “strongly consider” it as part of his impeachment proceedings. But it’s up to Senate Democrats to call his bluff.

We deserve a fair, thorough impeachment trial that’s relentless in its pursuit of the truth. Multiple career public servants have already come forward to give sworn testimony about the president’s rampant abuse of power — now, it’s time to hear what Trump has to say about these accusations, under penalty of perjury.

As long as Donald Trump can avoid taking the stand, we may never know the extent of his crimes. Tell the Senate to compel Trump’s sworn testimony.

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Sexy Stephie
Stephanie Miller is on the air during morning drive hours

Sexy Stephy Says:
One way to fight back is buy Malcolm’s book The Plot to Destroy Democracy and read it and give it to everybody you know“The Plot to Destroy Democracy”
See other Malcolm Nance posts -click here

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