Help Elizabeth Warren win the Presidential election

Report From Iowa Warren Grass Roots Deep

Report From Iowa: Warren Grass Roots Go Deep

Last week of campaigning before the Iowa Caucus votes. This is a report from the Iowa Office of the Elizabeth Warren campaign. What we’re finding in this is a cornucopia of redirected feminine outrage, repeatable small donations and Street credibility due to an excellent ground game. Grass roots go deep in the Warren campaign.

Our January fundraising goal is the biggest goal we’ve ever set. Because now that it’s 2020 — our election year. There’s a lot of work that needs to be done in order for our campaign to keep on the path to victory.

Since 2018 Elizabeth Warren also raised or donated $11 million to aid Democrats running for office and State parties in all 50 states.

“Elizabeth’s schedule is filled with town halls and selfie lines, not closed-door fundraisers with millionaires and billionaires, because she believes that to take back the White House we need to build a grassroots movement,” Warren spokesman Chris Hayden wrote in an email to Washington Post. “When we made the decision to run the campaign this way, the players in the usual money-for-influence game dismissed it as naive and said it would never work and it would kill the campaign. We’re pleased that our grassroots strategy has been so effective that they’re now threatened enough to be attacking us for it.

Winning this primary, beating Donald Trump and making big, structural change is our task at hand. It’s going to take a lot of organizing, advertising, and grassroots support. When everyone pitches in and fights together, we can do this.

If you donate $25 or more to this request today, two things will happen:

Warren for President
She's back from the Senate Trial of Trump
She’s back from doing her duty at the Senate Trial of Trump

A Report From Iowa about Warren Grass Roots- Elizabeth Warren has a plan for that
Report From Iowa Warren Grass Roots
If you donate $25 or more to this appeal today,
two things will happen:

  1. You’ll help get our grassroots movement one powerful step closer to our end-of-month goal our biggest one yet. Before Friday’s midnight deadline.
  2. As a thank you for being a part of this fight, we’ll send you a FREE limited edition union-made enamel pin!

So what are you waiting for? Chip in $25 or more to help continue the fight for big, structural change throughout the primaries, and we’ll send you our limited-edition enamel pin to thank you!

Donate today to get your pin


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Order Your Sugar Free Chocolate Bars, Candy and Syrups

We didn’t hit the mark

Chip in 2 dollar important small donors Report From Iowa Warren Grass Roots are deep

We’re counting on your support. Can you donate $2 or anything you can right now?

Yesterday, we launched a big end-of-month fundraising goal, but we didn’t hit the number of grassroots contributions we needed to.
We’ll need a significant response to this request in order to hit today’s target and make up for our lost ground yesterday. With your help right now, we’ll be able to get back on track.

Order Your Sugar Free Chocolate Bars, Candy and Syrups

Iowa Is Coming Up fast

An America where Washington is focused like a laser on creating good-paying jobs for hard-working Americans, not padding the profits of giant multinational corporations.
Where people who need it get

  • Care they need if they get sick
  • No one goes broke because of medical bills.
  • No one has to go broke filling out a prescriptions.
  • To have more kids without worrying about the cost of child care.
  • A degree from a technical school, community college, or public university at no cost.

If that’s the future you want to build, make a contribution before our Friday fundraising deadline, and let’s keep fighting side by side to make the big, structural change we need.

2020 is our moment to dream big, fight hard, and win. Starting in 2021, we’ll have a government that works for everyone, not just the rich and powerful.

Look at what you have done so far. FEC in its report shows she raised more than $21.2 million for her Presidential campaign in the fourth quarter of 2019.

FIRST: The New York Times announced their endorsement of Elizabeth.

THEN: The Des Moines Register, the largest newspaper in Iowa, announced their endorsement of Elizabeth.

AND NOW: This morning, we set our biggest fundraising goal yet. $3.5 million before our fundraising deadline on midnight Friday to power our organizing, advertising, and voter outreach plans in the beginning of February.

Report From Iowa: Warren Grass Roots Grow Deep

We’ve got momentum, but Elizabeth needs your help in the final stretch to win. In order to reach our goal, we’re going to need a bigger response from Michigan and across the country than we’ve ever seen before.

Thanks for being a part of this,

How many calls can you make to support Elizabeth Warren for President?
How many calls can you make to support Elizabeth Warren for President?

Our fight for big, structural change is powered by supporters like you. With just one month until the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary, we need all hands on deck to talk with voters in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada right now.

You can not use the Safari browser or an iPad to make calls. You must use a laptop or desktop computer using Chrome or Firefox.

Want to study up before starting to call?

Thanks for all that you do,
Team Warren

The 3 Plots of Trump-Putin
Learn More – Click Here

Read interview transcripts and articles about Malcolm Nance, the author of the resistance to Trump-Putin scandal.




Paid for by Warren for President
All content © 2020 Warren for President, All Rights Reserved
PO Box 171375, Boston, MA 02117
This content is repeated here gratis as a public service of
Click here to donate by mail.

We are in the last week of Warren lead up to the Iowa Caucus. Bernie Sanders is in position to win this important primary contest, unashamed to be a progressive liberal.

So please help with your donations, phone calling, opinion polling in the lead up to the Iowa Caucus.

Sexy Stephie
Stephanie Miller is on the air during morning drive hours

Sexy Stephy Says:
One way to fight back is buy Malcolm’s book The Plot to Destroy Democracy and read it and give it to everybody you know“The Plot to Destroy Democracy”
See other Malcolm Nance posts -click here

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