send need to impeach electronic postcards

Send E-Cards To Release the Full Mueller Report

Will You Send E-Cards To Tell Congress To Release the Full Mueller Report

This is an important time for the American People to sound off in their opposition to the cover-ups around the Mueller Report. Click to go to where you can send E-Cards to any Representative you want to put pressure on.

Send E-Cards To Release the Full Mueller Report

It’s more important than ever to let Congress know how you feel about Donald Trump — and it only takes a few clicks. Our digital postcards-to-Congress program lets you send a message to key leaders who can move the impeachment process forward, and all you need is an internet connection.

 Wherever you are, can you take a few minutes and tell your representatives you expect action on impeachment?

Trump was not exonerated by the Mueller investigation, and needs to be held accountable for his crimes and impeachable offenses. Your elected officials need to know how many advocates for impeachment live in their backyard.
Our new online tool simplifies the entire process — so you can send a message to House leadership and key members of the Judiciary Committee, in a matter of seconds. We’ve even provided some sample language to get you started.
We’re printing every digital postcard you fill out and hand-delivering your messages to Congress so they know: We’re going to see this through until Donald Trump is removed from office.
When a complicit GOP continues to protect a corrupt president, it’s up to all of us to demand action together.
Thanks for being here, 
Tom Steyer
Need to Impeach

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