Trump and Republican’ts Are In Contempt of Congress
Now Trump and Republicans Covering Up For Him Are In Contempt of Congress
Maybe we should impeach William Barr? Telling a lie to a Congressional Panel is still illegal.
But stonewalling and running to Fix News won’t avoid the fact that Trump is in Contempt of Congress
Because Trump & Co are Contemptible
After Congress votes to hold you in contempt for flouting a subpoena, three things could happen:
It’s clear that Trump is doing all he can to cover up his crimes, and will only continue to defy Congress. Speaker Pelosi can act as the ultimate check on his reckless power, if she would step up: Email the Speaker of the House and tell her to launch an impeachment inquiry.
Need to Impeach
We Are NOT Done Yet – Keep Scrolling
Trump’s trying to ram through arms sales to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. And he’s doing it by claiming rarely-used emergency powers — justified by the fake emergency his administration is currently manufacturing: war with Iran. [1]
We cannot allow this to happen.
In order to make Congress ban the $8 billion arms sales, we’ve got to act fast — so it’s time to sound the alarm, now.
Tell Congress to ban Saudi and Emirati arms sale now!
The Trump administration is using a loophole in the Arms Export Control Act to push bomb sales through to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates — by claiming executive emergency powers. Usually Congress can reject arms sales through arms control law. Except in the case of an emergency.
And what’s the emergency? Supposedly Iran.
But you and I know there is no new emergency. The real emergency is that John “Bomb ’em” Bolton is leading the Trump war cabinet, using the very Iraq war playbook he used to march the U.S. toward war with Iraq — this time with Iran. The real emergency is that the bombs that Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are buying are the same ones they’re using in their brutal coalition war in Yemen. The real emergency is that arms dealers make billions off the death of Yemeni kids, and are pushing for a war with Iran to make even more money. [2]
War is the real emergency.
Progressive champions in Congress, like Senator Chris Murphy and Representative Ted Lieu, are already sounding the alarm to stop Trump’s arms sales machine. But we need to make sure our members of Congress hear us loud and clear as well. Because if we keep demanding that war-business-as-usual is the real emergency — in Yemen, in Iran, in Somalia, in Afghanistan — we have a real shot at ending at the very arms sales that fuel war.
Tell Congress to ban Saudi and Emirati arms sales now.
Wars often start between governments. But there’s also a business of war, a billion-dollar industry of mining, manufacturing, dealing, and shipping. And the profiteers of war have no interest in ending or preventing wars. War starts in the arms industry too. And that’s why we have to stop it here — starting with banning Saudi and Emirati arms sales. Are you with me?
Thank you for working for peace,
Stephen and the Win Without War team
[1] Al Monitor, “Trump seeks to bypass Congress on Saudi weapons sales amid Yemen war dispute”
[2] The Intercept, “Arms Manufacturers Tell Investors That Iran Tension Fuels Business”