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Use Need To Impeach To Stir Congressional Action

Want To Stir Congress into Action? Use the Need To Impeach Campaign To Amplify Your Voice

Watch this new video and then use this new tool to check out your representative’s position on Congressional Action now to impeach Donald Trump.

If the Department Of Justice has handed the work of investigating and prosecution of Trump for his traitorous crimes over to Congress, then where’s the action? Well, Tom Steyer has a huge fire that he is holding to the cold footed in the Democratic Party. Join the fight at Need To Impeach.Need to Impeach Logo

Last week, we released this new ad calling out Democratic leadership for taking a backseat while Donald Trump tramples on our democracy — and the response has been overwhelming. More and more politicians have since come out in favor of impeachment, and we expect more will soon.

Republicans may control the Senate, but that’s no excuse for Democrats in the House not to take action. We organized, donated, volunteered, and voted in this Democratic House — they should be leading the charge against this president, not watching while he breaks one law after another.
The other side is laughing at our ineptitude. It’s time to change their tune. 
Watch and share our new ad right now.

Now That You’ve Seen This Video – Check Your Own Representatives

Every representative in Congress now has a choice to make: be complicit in Donald Trump’s attacks on our democracy, or put country ahead of politics. As constituents, we deserve to know exactly where our elected officials stand when it comes to impeachment — there just isn’t room for silent bystanders anymore.
The impeachment momentum is real. In the past week, 19 more members of the House have publicly announced their support for impeachment — including a Republican, Rep. Justin Amash (MI-03). Trump’s own party is starting to see the dangers his unchecked power poses to our future. It’s time for everyone to state their views, on the record. 
When we launched our new impeachment tracker last week, we got so many hits we exceeded our Google quota. (Overall a good problem to have, and one that our data team quickly rectified!) Those high volumes of traffic tell us one thing: People want concrete answers from their elected officials on impeachment.
Tom Steyer,
Need to Impeach
PO Box 538 | San Francisco, CA 94104
It’s going to take more than William Barr’s Retort, talk radio gas-lighting, and the complicity of the Republican Party to block the release of the full Mueller report and follow it’s logical conclusion that Trump has earned his impeachment.

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