How many calls can you make to support Bernie Sanders for President?

Will you call voters from home?

Will you call voters from home?

convince others to register and vote against Trump
Call people in the swing states

This post is a call to action. Plus, you learn a very useful set of skills for grassroots organizing. Use what you learn to make a press conference happen for your issue or case. You can simply call voters using an online switchboard from home. It’s this generation’s version on the phone tree communications used in the ’60s anti-war movement. Tell them to re-establish workers’ rights and fair and secure elections requires voting out the Republicans.



Here’s how we’re going to make Bernie our next president: by having conversations with millions of Americans, one person at a time.

And now we’re making it VERY easy for you to have those conversations with voters on your own, right from your home. It’s called the Bernie Dialer. And we’re opening it up for the first time tonight.

First up: voters in California — a state that votes early and that is BIG for us to win.

So what do you say? Can you take this important step to help Bernie win?

You must have access to a tablet or desktop computer as well as a phone. If you have all that, start making calls right now!


If you want to call later, or don’t have a tablet or desktop computer right now, sign up for a shift to call when you can.


The Bernie Dialer is one of THE most important tools we have in this election. No one else has the kind of grassroots movement working day and night like we have for Bernie.

And the more voters we can talk to, the more we’ll be ready to win elections next year — so we can win this nomination, defeat Donald Trump, and transform our country.

Are you free right now and have access to a desktop computer or tablet?
 Call California voters right now.

Busy or not near a tablet or desktop computer? Not a problem.
 Sign up for a shift to call voters later.

Thanks for all you do for our movement.
In solidarity,
Claire Sandberg
National Organizing Director

Bernie wants to continue President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s vision of an Economic Bill of Rights to guarantee health care for all, education for all, and jobs for all.

So to show your support and help win this election, we’re renewing a classic FDR-inspired design as a Bernie 2020 sticker.

Donate any amount of money and we’ll send you this new FDR-inspired Bernie sticker. So far most people contribute about $8 for the sticker, but chip in what you think is fair.

Bernie FDR sticker


This is a limited-time offer, so chip in now.

Bernie Is Bumping Biden

The corporate media loves NOTHING MORE than to write off Bernie Sanders, his ideas, and our campaign. Immediately after the debate, the pundit class pooh-poohed his performance. We woke up to opinion pieces masquerading as news with headlines like “Bernie Sanders 2020 is in big trouble.”

Yet this week, two new post-debate polls show us in a solid second place and closing the gap on Biden:

ABC / Washington Post: Biden 29% – Bernie 23% 
No one within 10 points of that.

Reuters / Ipsos Poll: Bernie trails Biden by 6%
No other candidate above 10%.

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In this campaign, we are not just taking on much of corporate America, but we also have to deal with an elite corporate media that frankly does not like us very much.

But if we stand together, we are going to win:

Make a $2.70 contribution to our campaign today and we are going to win this primary, beat Donald Trump handily, and then we are going to transform this country.

This week we reported our fundraising numbers: 1 million contributions. The corporate media found a way to put a bad spin on that as well, generally ignoring the fact that candidates who rely on big donors find it harder to raise money as a campaign goes on. We even had more individual donations than Donald Trump’s campaign. We are going to win this race. All we have to do is keep fighting:

Make a $2.70 contribution to our campaign today.

Thanks for chipping in. We have to keep up the momentum.

All our best,
Team Bernie

The Billionaire Class Is Attacking Our Campaign

Look at what Haim Saban – who is worth around $3 billion after creating the show Power Rangers – had to say earlier today:

“We love all 23 candidates… minus one. I profoundly dislike Bernie Sanders. He thinks that every billionaire is a crook. He calls us ‘the billionaire class.’ And he attacks us indiscriminately. It’s the billionaire class, the bad guys.”

Haim Saban is used to being able to buy candidates and elections. He has contributed tens of millions of dollars to fund the political establishment and he benefits from a corrupt system of campaign finance.

It’s no surprise that he would oppose our campaign. But that means Bernie is counting on lots of people to chip in today to fight back.

Make a $2.70 contribution to our campaign today and together we are going to take on the billionaire class, win this election, and transform our country.

No single candidate can take on the billionaire class alone. So when mega-donors like Haim Saban attack our campaign, we must show that our movement is ready to respond.

That’s why your donation today is so important. Thanks for chipping in to stand with Bernie.

In solidarity,
Faiz Shakir
Campaign Manager

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Yesterday evening, we filed our FEC report. And what it showed was that we are funding this campaign in an unprecedented way. Never in the history of politics has a campaign raised so much money from so many individual contributions with such a low average donation ($19) as we have.

I am very proud of that fact.

But the truth is, we were out-raised this time. Not by much. But enough that we are going to need a lot more donations from people like you to catch up. So today, I have to ask:

Can you please make your first online contribution to our 2020 campaign? Even $2.70 goes a long way and will help us win. Thank you.

Emails like this are the primary way we fund our campaign. It’s quite extraordinary when you think about it. But that is why your response to these messages is so important.

Stand in Solidarity With Bernie and W&llMart Employees

Walmart workers who are sick and tired of being paid poverty wages invited me to attend their company’s shareholders meeting. 
I will tell the Walton family — who are worth more than $170 billion — to end their greed, pay their workers a living wage, and put hourly Walmart workers on the company’s board. And I need to have your support before I go. 

Add your name to say you stand with Walmart workers before my address in Arkansas.


In a couple weeks, I will attend Walmart’s annual shareholder meeting in Arkansas.

At this meeting, I will directly address the Walton family — the richest family in America — and other Walmart shareholders about their wealth, their greed, their mistreatment of workers, and their exploitation of American taxpayers.

The Walton family, which owns Walmart, is worth more than $170 billion. Yet many Walmart workers are making wages so low that many of them are forced to rely on food stamps, Medicaid and public housing to survive — paid for by U.S. taxpayers. That should not be happening at a company owned by the wealthiest family in America.

Walmart workers are sick and tired of this. So a group of them invited me to speak on their behalf at the Walmart shareholders meeting, where I will present the workers’ common-sense proposal to give hourly employees of Walmart a seat on the company’s board of directors. The people who make the company successful deserve to have a seat at the table.

I am honored to be asked to speak for these workers. But this a moment that is about much more than Bernie Sanders.

When I tell the richest family in America about a solution to their endless greed, I want to have as many supporters as possible giving their voice in solidarity with Walmart workers. That is why I am asking you today:

Add your name if you agree: the Walton family and Walmart need to give Walmart workers a living wage of at least $15 an hour and include hourly employees on the company’s board of directors. It is important that I have your support before I travel to Arkansas. Will you add your name?

These workers are not asking for much. All they want is a living wage so that they can pay the bills, put food on the table, send their kids to college and save for retirement. They want a union. They want to have a seat on corporate boards. And they want to end corporate greed that is destroying the social fabric of America.

If hourly workers at Walmart were well represented on its board, I doubt you would see the CEO of Walmart making over a thousand times more than the average worker. I also doubt you would see Walmart spending $20 billion on stock buybacks when it could be using that money to pay its workers a middle class wage with good benefits.

Walmart is not a poor company. It is not going broke. Last year, it made nearly $10 billion in profits.

Rob Walton, the eldest son of Walmart’s founder, spent an estimated $226 million on an antique car collection that includes 12 Ferraris, six Porsches, two Maseratis, and a 1963 Corvette Grand Sport Roadster.

His sister Alice, another heir to the Walmart fortune, had no problem amassing a private art collection worth an estimated $500 million, buying a $44 million painting, purchasing a $25 million two-floor condo on New York’s Park Avenue with 52 windows overlooking Central Park, or acquiring a $22 million 4,400-acre ranch in Texas.

When I am in Arkansas speaking on behalf of Walmart workers, I will be in the room, speaking directly to Waltons like Rob and Alice and the rest of the richest family in America. And I will be telling them: Get off of corporate welfare, pay your workers a living wage of at least $15 an hour and include hourly employees on Walmart’s board of directors.

I don’t want the Waltons to just think they’re hearing from Bernie Sanders. When I speak to the Waltons, I want them to hear the voices of Walmart workers — and I want them to hear from thousands of people like you who agree that it is time to end the reckless greed of their family, their corporation, and that of other greedy corporations in the country.

If you agree with me that Walmart needs to respect its workers, it’s important that you add your name before I go to Arkansas and deliver my message to the Waltons. Please add your name here.

It’s not a radical idea to say that if you’re a profitable corporation like Walmart, you must pay all of your workers a living wage with good benefits before you go out and reward wealthy executives.

The fight of these Walmart employees is the fight of all of us. Thank you for standing with us.

In solidarity,
Bernie Sanders

In solidarity,
Faiz Shakir
Campaign Manager


Paid for by Bernie 2020

(not the billionaires)

PO BOX 391, Burlington, VT 05402


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