Your Checks And Balances Are In The Mail
Your Nation’s System Of Checks And Balances At Risk!
Democracy Survives COVID-19 In The Mail
It’s going to be a rough election. Trump is sewing confusion and inadequacy and we’re possibly going to attacked in our era of weakness. We could have much more than coronavirus to make in person voting unsafe. Hate group harassment might be emboldened by Trumpism to spill out of Fakesbook into the real world. We can defend the vote in the mail.
We are going to need to vote by mail for the general election!
MoveOn Civic Action
Essential workers. USPS. Vote by mail. And more.
Keeping America Sterile
Dear MoveOn member,
Democrats in Congress have heard us, and on Friday the House passed the HEROES Act, a coronavirus relief bill of historic proportions that seeks to provide immediate support for struggling Americans, protect our elections, and finally put people first.
MoveOn members have collected millions of petition signatures, made tens of thousands of calls, shown up to online actions, and raised our voices to demand real relief now, including protections for essential workers, student debt relief, and so much more that has now passed the House and is heading to the Senate.
The HEROES Act, which was passed on Friday, includes many of our key priorities:
- Essential Workers Bill of Rights: robust provisions, including hazard pay, paid sick leave, child care support, OSHA protections, access to PPE, and more. Over a million members signed the petition for hazard pay, and now House Democrats are echoing this demand.
- Relief that includes immigrants: makes strides to fix previous wrongs by extending authorization for DACA and TPS, including immigrants in health care and financial relief programs, and decreasing detention in unsafe conditions.
- Postal Service funding: provides $25 billion in funding to protect this vital institution that employs hundreds of thousands and people and will play a key role in our election in November. Hundreds of thousands of MoveOn members have demanded support to save the post office, and we’ll keep up this fight.
- Protect Our Vote: gives $3.6 billion in funding for election protection, expands access to absentee ballots and early voting, and institutes same-day voter registration. Which MoveOn members have been calling for for years, and a fight we plan to continue in key states.
Our collective work with allies across the progressive and labor movements ensured this bill centered the needs of people, not corporations. This is a historic legislative package and includes critical measures to shore up state and city governments and blunt the worst economic impacts of this pandemic that Trump’s failed response has exacerbated. But now it will face opposition from Republicans who seem set to allow Americans to suffer, the economy to worsen, and the health crisis to deepen, rather than taking bold action.
It is not too late to weigh in as the fight now moves to the Senate. Sign these petitions and share with friends before they are delivered to ensure the Senate knows it must pass #RealReliefNow:
Tell Congress: Essential workers deserve essential protections
Fully Fund the United States Postal Service
There’s still more work to be done, including fighting for the Paycheck Guarantee Act, which keeps folks employed; sustained and direct payments beyond one-time stimulus checks; rent and mortgage cancellation; and taking on student debt. We knew it was unlikely that one bill could address all of the tremendous need in this moment, so we’ll keep working with champions on the Hill and across the U.S. for these priorities and to ensure the HEROES Act passes the Senate and becomes law.
Mitch McConnell has said he’s not interested in holding a vote, even though he defied social distancing orders to bring senators back to D.C. during the pandemic. What could be more important and timely than providing relief to the millions of people suffering? Republicans have the chance to provide individual relief, support cities and states, fortify our elections, and protect essential workers. Or they can turn their backs and support only big corporations.
We need to keep up the pressure. The country needs to see whose side their elected officials are on. That is why MoveOn is joining partners like Greenpeace,, and the American Postal Workers Union in Washington, D.C., to deliver millions of petition signatures to ensure the Senate hears loud and clear that the American people need more relief now.
Sign and share the petitions before they are delivered to the Senate soon:
Tell Congress: Essential workers deserve essential protections
Fully Fund the United States Postal Service
Thanks for all you do.
–Emma, Jenn, Emily, Cheryl, and the rest of the team
Want to support our work? The MoveOn community will work every moment, day by day and year by year, to resist Trump’s agenda, contain the damage, defeat hate with love, and begin the process of swinging the nation’s pendulum back toward sanity, decency, and the kind of future that we must never give up on. And to do it we need your support, now more than ever. Will you stand with MoveOn?
Click here to chip in $3, or whatever you can afford.
Contributions to MoveOn Civic Action are not tax-deductible for income tax purposes
“I don’t take responsibility at all.”
That’s what Donald Trump said when asked about the lack of coronavirus testing available to the public.
This administration continues to lie, deflect, and assign blame. As president, the buck is supposed to stop with Trump, but this crisis has laid bare what we already knew to be true: Trump is unwilling to and incapable of leading the country.
We can’t afford four more years of failed leadership, and the time we have to build the infrastructure to defeat this president is running out. When I’m elected president, I promise to do whatever it takes to heal our country and rebuild our working class. But I can’t get there without the urgent help of tireless grassroots donors like you.
President Obama and the DNC launched the Democratic Unity Fund to elect a Democrat to the White House and to support our candidates running for local offices, the House, and Senate, too. If we’re going to get our country back on track after the fallout of this administration’s incompetence, we’ll need Democrats elected at every level of government. What we’ll all need in order to achieve that is a strong, united Democratic Party!
TOP Democrats like Kamala Harris are calling for the use of paper ballots to SAVE the election!
The 2020 Presidential election is right around the corner. But our democracy is constantly being threatened by foreign powers and voter suppression tactics to unfairly help Republicans.
But guess what? Paper ballots can’t be hacked.
That’s why Kamala Harris is calling for universal paper ballots! This will save the election and make Democratic voter turnout SKYROCKET!
But we need to know how widespread the support for paper ballots truly is. So we’re polling our top supporters to see what they think. Your input is needed.
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Automatic Voter Registration
1OO,OOO SIGNATURES NEEDED IN MAY: Sign to Co‑Sponsor the Constitutional Amendment to Pass Automatic Voter Registration
The best way to beat Republicans is to pass a Constitutional Amendment implementing Automatic Voter Registration.
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We’re launching a HUGE grassroots petition to pass the amendment We want to be able to cast our vote in the mail!
We need your signature for to get started. |
Democratic Voter Turnout in 2016 was ABYSMAL. | |
Why? Because Republicans suppressed thousands of voters (they HATE it when Democrats vote, so suppression is their strategy to win!!) | |
The result? Donald Trump WON.
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That’s why Barack Obama is championing Automatic Voter Registration. He knows voting is a RIGHT that should be extended to everyone in our democracy. | |
So we’re IMMEDIATELY initiating a crucial message to Congress and State Legislatures across the country, but we need you to join the groundswell of grassroots support: |
If we want to win a Progressive Senate and save our nation from the brink of disaster, we must focus on Voter Registration and Turnout. |
Automatic Voter Registration is a common-sense measure to make sure as many Americans as possible can participate in our democracy. |
Here’s how it works: Anyone with a driver’s license or state ID would be added automatically to the voter rolls once they turn 18.
So we MUST take action into our own hands. WE NEED YOU TO JOIN US! |
Sign our URGENT petition to demand Congress pass a Constitutional Amendment to implement Automatic Voter Registration: |
Thanks for taking action, |
Content I got in the mail is repeated here gratis as a public service of