the power of Us

Bernie Campaign Report

Bernie Sanders Presidential Campaign Report

Bernie report October. If you’re ready and willing to fight for EVERYONE in this country just as much as you’d fight for yourself, then I need you to please say that you endorse our campaign right now. Bernie2020 has 400,000 more donors than Trump. Joining our grass roots small donation revolution, and get our new sticker. It’s the best way to denounce the current money-driven political system we are in now. Learn how we harness people power to overpower the money power!

GOOD NEWS! At this point in the campaign, we have raised more money than any candidate, with more donations, and a lower average (just $19). We’re setting records and setting an example for how campaigns should be funded. Right now we have more donations in October than we did by this point in September. That’s amazing – and it’s all because lots and lots of people are chipping in to stand with Bernie.

BAD NEWS! It may not be good enough. Joe Biden has a super PAC and other campaigns are raising money from wealthy donors hand over fist. AND, our average donation is down to just $14 this month.

Our average donation this month has dipped to around $15, and now we’re a bit behind where we need to be to reach our October fundraising goal. Bernie is very proud that this campaign is funded by working people. But the truth is that the lower average means we need even more donations to keep pace.

We are the only campaign that is funded exclusively by grassroots donations. That’s important. Because not only is that how we will win this election – it’s how we will transform our country when we are in the White House.

Thank you for chipping in again today to make that possible.

So we have two choices before tonight’s midnight deadline: generate A LOT more donations or ask people to make slightly larger donations. Maybe you made a $2.70 donation to Bernie earlier in our campaign. If you can contribute one more time and just add a bit more, we’d reach our monthly goal. What do you say?

Can Bernie count on you to make a $4.05 contribution before tonight’s end-of-month fundraising deadline comes to a close? This is a big one for our campaign. Thank you.

This is an important day for our campaign — especially with where we’re at as this deadline comes to a close. We really need to pick up the pace. So thank you for chipping in.

All my best,
Faiz Shakir
Campaign Manager

Democratic debate Bernie survey

Yesterday afternoon, Joe Biden’s super PAC filed its paperwork with the FEC. They are calling it “Unite the Country,” but I think that’s a bad choice for a name. Because while there may be disagreements between candidates in this race about whether or not it’s okay to have a super PAC, on this issue the country is already pretty united:

People have had ENOUGH of the wealthy and powerful buying our candidates and elections.

But with this super PAC getting ready to dump untold fortunes into this race, Bernie needs you more than ever. Because we’re behind on our fundraising goals this month with little time to spare:

This campaign will not have a super PAC. We will not run around the country hustling rich people for money. But we have some fundraising goals to reach this month and we’re still not there.

Have you seen the latest Bernie 2020 sticker?

Show you’re a part of this movement by chipping in ANY amount to claim yours. Most people give $10, but donate what you think is fair.

I will fight sticker.


Last weekend, our campaign held the largest rally of the Democratic primary election with more than 25,000 people in Queens. Toward the end of the rally, Bernie told the crowd to look around and find someone they don’t know. Someone who might be of a different religion, age, or ethnicity.

As you go about your day today, I want you to take a look around and find someone you don’t know.
Maybe somebody who doesn’t look like you, maybe somebody who might be of a different religion than you. Maybe they come from a different country or were born in a different generation.
My question for you now is this: Are you willing to fight for that person who you don’t even know as much as you are willing to fight for yourself?
Because if you are willing to do that – and if you are willing to fight for a government that represents all of us, not just those at the top – there is no doubt in my mind that not only will we win this election, but together we will transform this country.

Then he asked everyone if we are willing to fight for someone we do not know just as much as we will fight for ourselves.

  • Will you fight for someone who doesn’t have access to health care, even if you are in good health?
  • Will you fight for someone who fears deportation, even if you were born here in the U.S.?
  • Will you fight for someone who is facing crushing student debt, even if you do not have any yourself?
  • That’s what this movement is about – all of us, together. And that’s exactly why we’re going to win.

Claim your sticker with a donation of ANY amount today to show that we are all in this fight together.

When we stand together, we are unstoppable. I believe now more than ever that we are at a moment in our country’s history where all of us coming together can create the America we are entitled to have – the America we know we can become.

We can create an America that is true to the principles at the foundation of our democracy. We can grant health care to all of our people as a human right. We can make public colleges and universities tuition-free. We can ensure working people receive a living wage of at least 15 bucks an hour.

That is our struggle today.

We are going to transform this country when we are in the White House. But only if we are willing to fight for each other as much as we fight for ourselves.

Let me just tell you what you already know: our opponents, whether it is the Republican establishment, Democratic establishment, Wall Street, insurance companies, drug companies, the fossil fuel industry, the military industrial complex, the prison industrial complex — the whole damn 1% — they’re not going to give up their wealth and their power without a fight.

The question that we have to answer together is this: are we prepared to stand up to them and transform our country?


Now, I want you to think about someone — maybe somebody who doesn’t look kind of like you, maybe somebody who might be of a different religion than you, maybe they come from a different country, and I want you to ask yourself:

  • Are you willing to fight for that person as much as you’re willing to fight for yourself?
  • Are you willing to stand together and fight for those people who are struggling economically in this country?
  • Are you willing to fight for young people drowning in student debt, even if you are not?
  • Are you willing to fight to ensure that every American has health care as a human right, even if you have good health care?
  • Are you willing to fight for frightened immigrant neighbors, even if you are native born?
  • Are you willing to fight for a future for generations of people who have not yet even been born, but are entitled to live on a planet that is habitable?

Because if you are willing to do that, if you are willing to love, if you are willing to fight for a government of compassion and justice and decency, if you are willing to stand up to Trump’s desire to divide us up, if you are prepared to stand up to the greed and corruption of the corporate elite, if you and millions of others are prepared to do that, there is no doubt in my mind that not only will we win this election, but together we will transform this country.

stop credit card rate rip offSo I must ask you, if you are truly ready and willing to fight for everyone in this country, can you endorse our campaign for president?

Please add your name to endorse our campaign for president and commit to building the movement that will transform our country.

I believe now more than I have ever believed before that we are at a moment in our great country’s history where all of us coming together can create the America that we are entitled to have — the America that we know that we can become.

Thank you for being a part of this movement.
In solidarity,
Bernie Sanders

This is what a grassroots movement looks like

Over the weekend, more than 25,000 people gathered in Queensbridge Park to join the political revolution that is going to transform this country.

Last week, we learned that we received 400,000 donations more than Trump did in the third quarter — yet another indication that our movement is prepared to defeat him in 2020.

And this week, volunteers are making calls to voters with a goal of reaching 2 million calls by the end of the month.

Here is the truth: we are approaching the most important stretch of this campaign, and the weeks ahead will help shape the outcome of the Iowa caucus, New Hampshire primary, and the states that follow.

 Bernie Sanders Presidential Campaign Report October 2019

Paid for by Bernie 2020

(not the billionaires)

PO BOX 391, Burlington, VT 05402

Repeated here as a public service of Resistance,

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