Bernie Sanders Presidential Truth Blog
Bernie Sanders Presidential Truth Blog Continues
In this catch up post I want to address the fact that what started as a Bernie Sanders Truth Blog for his Presidential Campaign, has morphed into a more inclusive list. I added so much Donald Trump impeachment posts from MoveOn, #TrumpRussia, Indivisible etc, and even Elizabeth Warren is here in some posts. Now I don’t see enough Bernie when I look at the blog.
My next step is to divide the blog at the entry point. Then one side will continue as a Bernie campaign Blog where any posts about Elizabeth Warren or any other front-running Presidential candidate will be. Then the other will just have actionable posts that relate to the resistance movement against Trump and the Republicans.
Back To Bernie
Are you familiar with this phenomenon?
When a poll shows less than favorable news for our campaign, it’s national news. Non-stop. They show it on the screen and pundits talk gleefully about how the campaign is over. But when a poll shows us winning in an early state, or like this week’s Emerson poll that showed us down 2 nationally to Biden and leading Warren by 4, there’s nary a peep.
It’s the Bernie Blackout.
Now, I am not here to tell you which polls are bad and which ones are good. I am here to tell you that the coverage of the polls seems to correlate well with how good or bad we are doing in them.
I am here to say that we control our own destiny in this race. Not them. Us. And if we keep fighting, if you keep volunteering, if you keep giving what you can when you can, we are going to win.
And today I have to ask:
Today is a great day to make a $2.70 contribution to our campaign. Can Bernie count on you to chip in? It would mean a lot to our fight.
We’ll put your contribution right to work after you donate — so when you see us on the air or expanding staff, please know that it would not happen without your continued support. You are our advantage, and why we are going to win.
Our secret weapon in this campaign
This is part of where your donations go. Also this shows why we can wield so much power with such short funding.
Our biggest advantage in this primary is an army of volunteers that is unmatched by any other campaign. You know that — you’ve attended an event for Bernie.
This is important: the more contacts we can make to voters — and the earlier we can make them — the stronger our organization will be when people start to vote. We have an online call tool that will show you a script and automatically connect you to voters. It’s really fun and easy, and thousands of Bernie supporters are already doing it.
People Power Trumps Money Power
I’m asking you to make calls to voters for Bernie. Please let me explain why this is so important. You see, every phone call we make, and voter we talk to, is one step closer to victory. So that is why we are asking if you can make calls for Bernie — right now if you can, or later too. Are you in?
Our goal is to make 2 million phone calls to voters before the end of the month. We already called 1.3 million voters to start the month… and if we can reach our bigger goal, there’s no stopping us.
Here’s our progress to our NEW 2 million call goal, which we need to hit in the next week:
We’re on track, and THOUSANDS of Bernie supporters are calling voters right from their computers. Can you join them? How many calls can you make to support Bernie Sanders for President?
YES, I’ll make calls for Bernie right now! –MAKE CALLS NOW
YES, I’ll sign up for a shift to call voters for Bernie later on! –CALL VOTERS LATER
Thanks for all you do to help Bernie win.
In solidarity,
Faiz Shakir -Campaign Manager

We send a number of emails on this campaign, no doubt about it. So I was hoping you might allow me a moment to explain why these messages are so important to our success. You see, Bernie doesn’t have a super PAC. You know that. And he’s never going to fly around the country begging rich people for money to fund this campaign. You know that too.
But what you may not know is that the majority of our record-setting number of donations come in response to emails. So when you see us rising in the polls, when you see us on television, when you see those big rallies like the ones with AOC and Rashida Tlaib, it’s emails like this that make it happen.
Mail Call!!
But that means from time to time we have to ask, and with our critical end-of-month fundraising deadline coming to a close, today is one of those days:
It is amazing to think that a Presidential campaign could be funded primarily via emails sent to you and millions of working people as opposed to some of our opponents’ preference for intimate gatherings with the wealthy and powerful.
So that is what we are doing on this campaign, and we need your help to keep it up.
Paid for by Bernie 2020
PO BOX 391, Burlington, VT 05402
Repeated here as a public service of Resistance,
Your style is so unique in comparison to other people I’ve read stuff from.
Thank you for posting when you have the opportunity,
Guess I’ll just book mark this blog.