slightly larger than 3 dollars

Bernie Fundraising Falling Behind

Bernie 2020 Campaign Funds Have Started Falling Behind

I hate to admit this, but here it is. Bernie has another important FEC fundraising deadline approaching and his financial support is falling behind the amounts new donors are giving the other Presidential contenders. Help bump up Bernie to keep him competitive.

Here is the truth: in less than one week we close the books on our first, full FEC fundraising deadline of the campaign. Shortly after, we’ll report publicly how much money we’ve raised and how many contributions our campaign has received.

And right now, we’re a bit short of where we need to be to hit our goals. That’s important, because news reports show some of the candidates in this race are raising huge amounts of money.

Now, we raise our money differently than those campaigns. I don’t go around attending fancy high-dollar fundraisers hustling rich folks for money. Instead, almost all of our donations come from people chipping in what they can afford, mostly in response to emails like this one. I’m very proud of that fact.

Let us be direct, we are writing to ask you to make a $3 contribution before our FEC fundraising deadline ends this week.

Here is the honest truth. No lies. No exaggerations.

News reports indicate Joe Biden has already raised more than $20 million this quarter. He’ll probably raise more than double that when it’s all said and done.

He’s not alone. Pete Buttigieg will probably raise well over $20 million by the time our FEC fundraising deadline ends this week.

They are doing it largely by traveling the country and getting rich people to hold big fundraisers and write big checks. That’s not the way we do things on our campaign.

It also means that they will probably out-raise us this quarter. We don’t need as much as they’re raising right now, but we can’t let their big dollar cash drown us out. Our job between now and the time this deadline ends is to make sure we don’t fall too far behind. Because right now, we need some help reaching the goals we’ve set.

But it also means from time to time, we have to ask:

Can you please make a $3 contribution to our campaign ahead of our critical FEC fundraising deadline? Help us close the gap so we don’t come up short.

The strength of our campaign is the people who power our movement. Not me. Us. That is the political revolution. And everyone is going to be looking to see what numbers we report, so your contribution means a lot to our efforts.

Thank for you chipping in today.

In solidarity,
Bernie Sanders


get big money out of campaign finance

Prove Them Wrong

First, a Wall Street-funded group of corporate Democrats called Third Way ran ads against Bernie in early voting states — before we even announced our campaign.

Next, one of their board members started raising big money for Joe Biden.

Now, just days before our first debate, their president is on a media tour saying that our campaign is “an existential threat.”

In just a few days, we will file our numbers for the quarter, and the political and financial establishment are hoping we come up short.

So before our first debate and our fundraising deadline this week, we need to do all we can to prove them wrong. Can you help, James Statzer?

Will you make a $3 contribution to our campaign today before our FEC fundraising deadline and the first debate? This is a very important moment.

Third Way’s entire job is to tell Democrats to be more conservative.

Erasing student debt? Bad for Wall Street. So they oppose that idea.

Medicare for All? Bad for health insurance companies. So they oppose that idea too.

Raising pay for teachers? They brag about cutting pay for public employees. So again, no.

Breaking up big banks? Don’t even get them started.

So yes, we are an existential threat to anyone who thinks the way to win back the White House is by doing the bidding of Wall Street. Finally, Third Way is correct about something.

Our FEC fundraising deadline this week is a big one. Everyone — especiallythese guys — is going to see the numbers we report. And we need to be able to show just how powerful we are.

Please contribute $3 to Bernie 2020 to help reach our goals before this week’s first debate and our FEC fundraising deadline.

Thank you for all you do for Bernie — and for our movement.

In solidarity,
Faiz Shakir
Campaign Manager


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