All roads lead to Putin with the Trump Administration

Impeachment Review With Adam Schiff on Stephanie Miller

A Donald Trump Impeachment Review With Adam Schiff on the Stephanie Miller Show

Chairman Adam Schiff goes on the Stephanie Miller Show to go over the expected impeachment vote and what the prospects are for a real trial in the Senate. The Republicans will be treading on very thin ice to vote against admitting documented evidence and witnesses to the facts. Now it will be time to put every Senator on the record. What will they defend, our nation or their party?

I’m pretty sure this is how the conversation went. Only edited by some conjunctive phrases removed.

Stephanie Miller:

The reviews are in on Adam Schiff’s performance. As I read earlier, Schiff laid out the case for immediate action and he’s right. Eight months just to get a ruling on McGann? Why not wait means why not let him cheat one more time. Bob Seska told us earlier. Best written document he’s ever read. Just for once I’m going to try to talk to him without just bursting into tears and saying I’m so proud of you. Good morning Chairman Schiff. I’m so proud of you.

Adam Schiff:

Good morning. Great to be with you too.

Stephanie Miller:

I just have to tell you millions of our listeners have just said to me over and over again. Please tell Chairman Schiff thank you. Some days it feels like you’re the only thing standing, you know, between us and losing our democracy. So once again, thank you.

Sexy Stephie
Stephanie Miller is on the air during morning drive hours

Sexy Stephy Says:
One way to fight back is buy Malcolm’s book The Plot to Destroy Democracy and read it and give it to everybody you know“The Plot to Destroy Democracy”
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Adam Schiff:

Well I really appreciate that and the well wishes of your listeners. It means a lot to me. There’s no way I could do this work without a fabulous team of members and colleagues, incredible staff but also the support of people like yourself all over the country.

Stephanie Miller:

I don’t know how you do it. I’ve got to say. I’ve said over and over since I’ve been lucky enough to spend time with you. That you are the same. I know I was talking to Patti on your staff that said you’re the same, you’re fantastic to your staff. You’re calm. You’re centered. It just seems like you were made for this moment in time to sit there next to Devin Nunes and the like. I just- and the president just including up to last night disparaging you calling you stupid nicknames, and by the way I have stood next to you many times your neck is fantastic and of the absolute correct size.

Adam Schiff:

Well I appreciate that very much. One of my favorite Twitter responses to the hearings was someone who said I now know what to say when my mother is giving me the usual advice. I will listen to her patiently and then I will say I thank the gentlewoman for her remarks.

Stephanie Miller:

Also you’ve made an iconic phrase “You will absent yourself.” Mr. Chairman, where do we start? So there’s been, by the way, I know that Lawrence Tribe at Harvard Law has been you know consulting with you guys because there’s obviously so many legal opinions and so many, I’m sure, backseat drivers for you. In terms of how come there’s only two articles, is it too narrow, professor Tribe said by charging a Constitutional crime even more serious and sweeping than garden-variety bribery, the House isn’t just avoiding a distracting legalistic fight over labels. It’s making the gravest accusation possible, short of treason, total betrayal of the Constitution and his oath. So what I mean, clearly, you did what you did for a reason that explain that.

Adam Schiff:

We- and there is, as you imagine, a wide variety of misconduct to the president that is alarming and that we had to analyze and make a decision about what charges what articles to bring. We wanted to bring those that were the most immediate, pose the gravest danger to the country, and in this case it was the president’s continued efforts to seek foreign help in a US election. To interfere with our election. To prejudice our election. To cheat in an election and that’s the heart of the Ukraine matter. Where the president withheld hundreds of millions of dollars of military assistance to an ally at war with Russia. Withheld a White House meeting, important diplomatic support in order to get Ukraine to interfere in our election on his behalf.

Trump's criminal administrationMalcolm Nance is the greatest author and intelligence expert in the anti-Trump resistance movement. He told you so before and during the Trump election campaign. Now he is back with more confirmation and information about the most criminal White House occupants ever to seize power. Also their domestic terrorists. Another must-read from Nance. See other Malcolm Nance posts -click here
The Plot to Betray America: How Team Trump Embraced Our Enemies, Compromised Our Security, and How We Can Fix It”

The campaign to cover it up, which is covered by the second article on obstruction. So we went with the gravest misconduct and the one that poses the nearest term danger to our elections and one that we could communicate very clearly on. Which is also the vital importance in a country where there’s so much disinformation being pushed out by the president.

Stephanie Miller:

Actively yes and Republicans even though they have been briefed that they are parroting a Russian disinformation campaign. Up to including the Attorney General of the United States yesterday. I have to get your reaction to what we just saw yesterday with Attorney General Barr saying he doesn’t know anything about Ukraine. Hasn’t looked into it.

Adam Schiff:

Yeah. I mean this is why his performance yesterday is exactly why I have been saying for a very long time that he’s the second most dangerous man in the country. After the president, and I think he’s really destroying the independence of the Justice Department.
I spent almost six years in that department. i venerate that department and it just kills me to see what he’s doing to it. He is the president’s personal lawyer. That’s how he views his job. It shouldn’t be but that’s how he views his job. The president got his Roy Cohen after all and so here you have this independent Inspector General report that found that political bias did not result in the opening this investigation. It was properly opened. It was properly carried out and yes there were abuses in the FISA process, but even then, it didn’t find that political bias was responsible for those mistakes and the FISA process.
So it debunked the whole, you know,” they were spying on the Trump campaign.” The Inspector General said that’s not true. “The investigation was begun for political reasons,” that wasn’t true. “They were planting spies in the campaign,” all that stuff was debunked and then the Attorney General, I’m sure at the president’s urging, had to go out and say that he disagrees with his own Inspector General. It’s unprecedented, and similarly, for him to be unwilling to push back against this Russian propaganda on the same day the Russian Foreign Minister is in the Oval Office. Which is another just flagrant sign of the times. Where our ally, the President of Ukraine, can’t get his foot in the door of the White House, but there’s Lavrov again. Having a wonderful time with our president and that tells you everything you need to know about today’s GOP. It is not the GOP of Ronald Reagan that was willing to stand up to Russia, but it’s one that walks hand-in-hand with Vladimir Putin.

Trump's criminal administrationMalcolm Nance is the greatest author and intelligence expert in the anti-Trump resistance movement. He told you so before and during the Trump election campaign. Now he is back with more confirmation and information about the most criminal White House occupants ever to seize power. Also their domestic terrorists. Another must-read from Nance. See other Malcolm Nance posts -click here
The Plot to Betray America: How Team Trump Embraced Our Enemies, Compromised Our Security, and How We Can Fix It”

Stephanie Miller:

Well as you tweeted, Trump’s meeting with Russia’s Foreign Minister in the Oval Office again. Adversaries invited in, allies locked out. Last time they laughed about Trump’s firing of Comey. Today they can celebrate the success of Russian propaganda. What was your reaction to seeing us allow him to spread Russian disinformation with no pushback on United States soil. he absolutely stood there and said Russia had nothing to do with this Pompeo stood there stone-faced. Trump of course claims he brought up election interference. Told him not to do it. Lavrov contradicted him on American soil. We let him do that, I mean, where are we Chairman Schiff? I mean this must even surprise you some days.

Adam Schiff:

Well you know, again I’d go back and forth between being shocked on the one hand and not at all surprised on the other. Because this is how this administration conducts itself but you know as I was mentioning in that tweet, the last time Lavrov- was the last time we know about, was in the Oval Office they were celebrating. Essentially lauding the firing of the director of the FBI who had been investigating Russia’s interference in our election and the president was telling the Russians that he thought the FBI director was a nutjob and that this was going to help lift the pressure of the Russia investigation. He’s telling this to the Russian.

Stephanie Miller:

It’s like a treasonous Groundhog Day. Right there he is disparaging Chris Ray right on the day of the Lavrov meeting.

Adam Schiff:

Exactly, there we are again. it is exactly like Groundhog Day and you know, bear in mind something that Putin said very recently. Which is thank God they’re finally talking about Ukraine interfering in this election and not Russia. A complete victory of Russian propaganda and to see my colleagues in the House and now my colleagues in the Senate push out these Russian talking points. Why are they doing it? Why are they pushing out this Russian talking point about Ukraine allegedly interfering in the 2016 election when that is so clearly not the case and so clearly advances Russian interests. Because they believe it advances the president’s interest too.

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Stephanie Miller:

As Speaker Pelosi says, all roads lead to Putin. Which by the way, that leads me to this question. Because I know a lot of people the backseat drivers you heard, there was so much wrongdoing in the Muller investigation. Why aren’t we using that? It was interesting Joyce White tweeted, “this morning I read this portion of Article 2 as a reference that permits House managers to introduce evidence of the obstruction of justice set forth in the Mueller Report during the impeachment trial and it reads these actions were consistent with president Trump’s previous efforts to undermine the United States government’s investigations into foreign interference in the United States elections.”

Adam Schiff:

Yes, there’s language in both articles referencing this pattern. Because it’s not charged. Obstruction of justice wasn’t charged it doesn’t require to prove it but it does allow us to introduce evidence of similar conduct. A pattern of behavior. I should be sure to point out to your listeners that the investigation of the follow-up to the Muller Report on obstruction of justice continues.
That work continues. We continue to litigate to get Don McGann to come in and testify. So we have not ended that part of our investigation but we didn’t feel that we should wait until we had concluded that, wait until we got Don McGann. It took us eight months to get even a first court ruling to move forward on the far more pressing matter. Which was the president’s continuing efforts to get a foreign nation to intervene in our election. So that work’s going to go on, but at the same time we’re not going to let him. You know, do nothing and allow him to cheat in another election.

Stephanie Miller:

Thank you. That was so smart what you said, Chairman and I have to I feel compelled to ask you a random question. That a random person to call my show asked. Because I know you enjoy that. But they wanted to know about inherent contempt which I know a lot of people have actually talked about. Legal experts. That why didn’t you use that and would that speed getting these fact witnesses?

Adam Schiff:

It is something that we have considered, and for your listeners, inherent contempt was something Congress used up until the 1930s. It hasn’t been used since. Where you could send out the Senate or the House Sergeant-at-Arms to literally arrest someone. You could try them in the House and hold them in contempt and and imprison them until they complied. You know, I don’t think people feel that we could reopen or reestablish a jail in the Capital but what we did look at is could we hold them in contempt of the House?

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Criminal contempt, inherent contempt that is, and then fine them every day until they complied and while we still explore that idea, the limitation with it is Congress doesn’t have the ability to garnish someone’s wages. We would have to go to court to do that and even if we were going to try to lock someone up and let’s say we open the Capital jail.
They would file a habeas corpus petition in court and we would still end up having to endlessly litigate before we could get that person to comply. Either a habeas petition or a petition to garnish someone’s wages. So it doesn’t necessarily solve the timeliness problem.

Stephanie Miller:

Sure. Chairman, what if they’re, I mean ‘cuz obviously this seems like there’s a bombshell a day. This latest one that Rick Gates, the former Manafort associate who flipped and cooperated with Muller, was offered monetary assistance not to cooperate with the government. Here’s yet another obstruction of justice charge. Should there be more bombshells like that would you add to the articles of impeachment? Or Glenn Kirchner mentioned a phrase sort of rolling impeachment to me but it looks like that what is the schedule ‘cuz it looks like you’re talking about doing this before Christmas.

Adam Schiff:

Well you know our investigative work goes on and you’re absolutely right. We learn more every day. We learned more during the trial of Roger Stone about the president’s statements and what appears to be false statements under oath by the president. So that investigative work goes on it doesn’t prejudice any decision we might make in the future but at present we were focused on the articles before us which will be taken up I think beginning in the evening and throughout the day tomorrow. Those will be taken up in the Judiciary Committee but they could pass out of the House, we expect, this week and be taken up on the floor as early as next week, and if that’s the case and they pass this, I would expect that they will then go to trial in the Senate as early as the very beginning of January.
So it’s a pretty quick time frame in the Senate. Mitch McConnell will have a great deal of discretion over what that trial looks like. What witnesses will be allowed to testify, which won’t. Very significant for us in the House is being able to finally get these documents that the president has ordered withheld. There may be a profound and new opportunity to get finally get those documents in a Senate trial. I think it’d be very hard for Senators to vote to say no we don’t want to see the evidence. So we hope that we will finally get the documents and write a change. We may finally get witnesses that refuse to appear in the House.

Sexy Stephie
Stephanie Miller is on the air during morning drive hours

Sexy Stephy Says:
One way to fight back is buy Malcolm’s book The Plot to Destroy Democracy and read it and give it to everybody you know“The Plot to Destroy Democracy”
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Stephanie Miller:

Wow and it seems like there’s some dissension already. Of course people who know better like Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham want to make this go away as quickly as possible. They know they don’t have the votes to do some stupid reality show that Donald Trump wants that includes calling you and Pelosi and the Biden’s. Right, so it seems like there is already on their side. They’re not sure how to handle this in the Senate. Right?

Adam Schiff:

Well yes. McConnell will have enormous control over what the trial looks like but at the same time he’s got to think about his members and the votes that they’re gonna have to cast. I think it’d be very difficult for his members to vote to say we don’t want to see the evidence. So while he has a great deal of discretion, at the same time it’s going to be a public trial and therefore the public is going to be watching.

Trump's criminal administrationMalcolm Nance is the greatest author and intelligence expert in the anti-Trump resistance movement. He told you so before and during the Trump election campaign. Now he is back with more confirmation and information about the most criminal White House occupants ever to seize power. Also their domestic terrorists. Another must-read from Nance.
The Plot to Betray America: How Team Trump Embraced Our Enemies, Compromised Our Security, and How We Can Fix It”

Stephanie Miller:

And if they want and if they had any witnesses that could actually help him they would want them to testify but they don’t want Bolton and Pompeo and on and on. Because under oath they’re not going to be able to help the president.

Adam Schiff:

Well they certainly didn’t want them testifying in the house and we think there are a number of witnesses that have a very pertinent testimony. Now with some we certainly will have concerns about their willingness to be truthful but at the same time there are undoubtedly witnesses that have important testimony to offer. And we’ll have to see how constrained the proceedings are on the Senate and whether we’ll be allowed to explore that.

Sexy Stephie
Stephanie Miller is on the air during morning drive hours

Sexy Stephy Says:
One way to fight back is buy Malcolm’s book The Plot to Destroy Democracy and read it and give it to everybody you know“The Plot to Destroy Democracy”
See other Malcolm Nance posts -click here

Stephanie Miller:

Well you know you’ve been so clear but both in, obviously in, the hearings and on Twitter you said this is precisely the conduct the founders were most concerned about when they provided the remedy of impeachment. A President abusing his power to seek foreign interference in our elections and doing so in a way that poses a clear and present danger to our national security. You said president Trump abused the power of his office, undermined our national security, jeopardized the next election, he’s shown no remorse, and is at it still. Even now trying to get help in his re-election. Chairman Schiff, I think that you stated that so clearly. That this is, you don’t wait in an ongoing crime spree for someone to stop and drop the gun right? This is the remedy the Constitution has allowed us, right?

Adam Schiff:

Yes. You know one of the witnesses in the Judiciary Committee, when the Constitution law professors made the point, if this is not impeachable nothing is. I think the reason why he said that is the founders were concerned number one that a president would abuse his power for his personal or political benefit. They were concerned that they might in so doing entangle foreign nations in our affairs. Having just fought War of Independence from a foreign nation, and they were concerned that the elections, our election system, the cornerstone of our democracy if a president was allowed to corruptly try to influence it, then the only remedy is impeachment.
Otherwise the next election is not a good remedy. So where you have all those ingredients, abuse the power for personal benefit, of foreign interference, as well as a threat to the ordinary remedy of elections, we have all three of those things present. That is exactly that. The trifecta of what the founders worried about.

Stephanie Miller:

Thank you. We’re running short on time, Chairman, but absolutely. As I keep saying, it’s one story. Russia and Ukraine. Because he did the exact same thing. Except this time with the power of the presidency and taxpayer money. A you know, by the way, you’re steadfastness as you said the White House that they wanted open hearings not closed then they didn’t want those either then they said they wanted to participate in the proceedings. Now they say they don’t.
All they really want is to hide the president’s serious misconduct. It is not working. I mean we’re down to the Collins saying the rooms too cold, his chairs too hard, but you know, when you got nothing you just complain about the process. Seriously, thank you so much for your steadiness and whatever the opposite of shifty is. That’s what you are. Like a superhero. Chairman we’re all behind you and, once again, thank you thank you thank you so proud of you.

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Adam Schiff:

Well thank you. Great talking with you and it’s always a pleasure to be on the station that dubbed me the smooth jazz congressman.

Stephanie Miller:

That’s right and you remain the smooth jazz congressman. Although now you’re the smooth jazz chairman. Yes you’ve replaced Frank Sinatra as chairman of the board. Thank you. Thank you chairman.


Trump's criminal administrationMalcolm Nance is the greatest author and intelligence expert in the anti-Trump resistance movement. He told you so before and during the Trump election campaign. Now he is back with more confirmation and information about the most criminal White House occupants ever to seize power. Also their domestic terrorists. Another must-read from Nance.
The Plot to Betray America: How Team Trump Embraced Our Enemies, Compromised Our Security, and How We Can Fix It”


Trump Resistance Author Malcolm Nance
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