Trump’s Impeachment Smoking Gun

Now We Have The Impeachment Smoking Gun

Yes, we do have the smoking gun fresh evidence against Trump and his criminal regime of mobbed up cronies. William Taylor, the former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, detailed efforts from Mr. Trump and his enablers to coerce Ukrainian officials into investigating former Vice President Joe Biden. Thus Trump’s attempt at a fake Biden scandal presidential campaign is backfiring!

Since the quid, the pro, and the quo have been revealed 
We have our smoking gun proof of the need to impeach Trump

Dear MoveOn member,

The top U.S. diplomat in Ukraine just revealed the smoking gun that could end Trump’s presidency.

In explosive testimony this week, Bill Taylor confirmed that Donald Trump attempted to withhold nearly $400 million in medical and military aid to Ukraine until they publicly announced a sham investigation to benefit Trump’s re-election.1

The Washington Post calls it “the smoking quid pro quo.”2 And, by itself, it’s enough to impeach, convict, and remove Trump right now.

Members of the House will be home for recess November 1-11, and we’re gearing up to launch our biggest push yet for Trump’s impeachment. Will you chip in $3?

Yes, I’ll chip in and help fund MoveOn’s biggest effort yet to end Donald Trump’s presidency through impeachment, conviction, and removal.

MoveOn is firing on all cylinders in our multifaceted impeachment drive. As you read this message, we’re working to connect 75,000 constituent phone calls in key districts and states. We’re hiring on-the-ground organizers to work in the states of Republican senators most likely to break ranks and vote for impeachment. Plus, producing videos that build off the best polling in the field to deliver the most compelling messages over social media and to key media markets.

Now, if we can raise $250,000 between now and the next congressional recess, which starts November 1, we’ll go even bigger in our effort to end Donald Trump’s presidency through impeachment, conviction, and removal.

With your help, once Congress goes back home on November 1.
Then here’s what we’ll do:

  • Work with with allies to plan constituent events, bird-dog members of Congress, and host town halls on impeachment.
  • Lay the groundwork to mobilize hundreds of events across the country before the House votes, through our new, emergency rapid-response network.
  • Flex our digital muscle, with targeted online ad spends to reach millions of people.
  • And more.

Use this impeachment tracker tool

Trump and his cronies are spending millions to spread misinformation about impeachment. Firstly, they are working with extremist members of Congress like Matt Gaetz and Steve King—and encouraging them to do anything to stop the impeachment proceedings, including storming a secure hearing room to stop testimony.3 Then Trump starts calling himself the victim of a “lynching,” in a craven attempt to weaponize race as he fights to save his political skin.4

We’ve got momentum on our side. So now we’ve got to finish the job. 

That’s why MoveOn’s focusing a lion’s share of our work, our team, and our resources on this fight. It’s not a decision we made lightly. The fact is, MoveOn is involved in fights across the progressive spectrum. But right now, we see a clear threat—and a clear opportunity—where MoveOn members’ actions, voices, and donations can make a critical and historic difference in ending Trump’s presidency, once and for all.

So we’re giving this all we can—and we hope you can too. Will you chip in $3, or whatever you can afford?

Yes, I’ll chip in and help fund MoveOn’s biggest effort yet to end Donald Trump’s presidency through impeachment, conviction, and removal.

Thanks for all you do.
–Justin, David, Emma, Elsie, and the rest of the team

1. “The smoking quid pro quo,” The Washington Post, October 23, 2019
2. Ibid.
3. “House Republicans Ratf–k Impeachment Hearing in Reckless Bid to Please Trump,” Rolling Stone, October 23, 2019
4. “Donald Trump’s history on race makes his ‘lynching’ comment crystal clear,” CNN, October 22, 2019

Trump impeach smoking gun whistle blower revealsWant to support our work? The MoveOn community will work every moment, day by day and year by year, to resist Trump’s agenda, contain the damage, defeat hate with love, and begin the process of swinging the nation’s pendulum back toward sanity, decency, and the kind of future that we must never give up on. And to do it we need your support, now more than ever. Will you stand with us?

Click here to chip in $3, or whatever you can afford.

Contributions to MoveOn Civic Action are not tax-deductible for income tax purposes. You’re receiving this email because you took action with MoveOn. MoveOn is where millions mobilize for a better society. Because we want one where everyone can thrive. Our members are committed to an inclusive and progressive future. We envision a world marked by equality, sustainability, justice, and love. And we mobilize together to achieve it.

Move On Is On The March To Impeachment of Donald Trump

MoveOn members are a force for social justice and political progress. We come from all 50 states and all walks of life. Together, we are at once large and nimble, targeting our resources purposefully, yet pivoting quickly as we identify new opportunities for change and mobilize to seize them. Our rapid-response organizing and campaigning, communications interventions, digital innovation, rigorous data science and testing, and culture of grassroots participation have repeatedly combined to produce real-world impact, changing outcomes and making our country better.

Tom 2020 Logo

My fellow American,

In his testimony to House impeachment investigators, William Taylor, former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, detailed efforts from Mr. Trump and his enablers to coerce Ukrainian officials into investigating former Vice President Joe Biden.
We’re only hearing about the latest in Mr. Trump’s pattern of criminal behavior unintentionally. Because a copy of Taylor’s statement was leaked to the press. But the American public deserves to see all the evidence of the president’s lawlessness through televised hearings, not whatever pieces may emerge from behind closed doors. Currently, the majority of Americans support impeachment. Now, let us see the entire process. The smoking gun proof of abuse of power is public knowledge.
Tom Steyer
Repeated here gratis as a public service of

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