Email Hoyer To Use Mueller’s Roadmap To Impeachment

We Now Know That the Mueller Report Is A Roadmap to the Impeachment of Trump
Email Hoyer To Use It To End Our Nation’s Nightmare

Last week, Congress was presented a clear roadmap to impeachment with the Mueller report, but so far our leaders in the House are refusing to use every tool at their disposal to hold this criminal president accountable.

Mueller Report vs Democrat Cold Feet

 After the release of the report, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said impeachment was “not worthwhile.” To that, we ask is defending the rule of law not worthwhile? Is protecting the sanctity of our democracy and elections not worthwhile?
By not pursuing impeachment, Congress is essentially allowing Trump and Republicans to get away with their crimes. They’re sending a message that it’s fine to continue obstructing justice, and that accepting the help of a foreign adversary to win an election will have no repercussions. We cannot allow our representatives to continue to treat Donald Trump as if he is untouchable.
Tell them you are not OK with that!
Majority Leader Hoyer has tremendous influence as the second-highest ranking member in the House. Tell him that there is no more time for delays and half-measures: The American people demand action now. Tell Hoyer to use the Mueller Report as a roadmap to the impeachment of dictator wannabe Trump.
email Majority Leader Hoyer
Need to Impeach

PO Box 538 | San Francisco, CA 94104



Here’s another activity for you so you can help resist Trump and the Republicans. Join the Need To Impeach Texting Network and spread the word regularly online.
Every day that impeachment hearings don’t begin, the Republican spin machine grows stronger. It’s up to us to make sure the American people know the truth about the Mueller report, and that Congress acts on its findings.
In March, we launched the Need to Impeach volunteer texting team. Since then, our volunteers have texted over half a million Americans and generated thousands of phone calls to members of Congress demanding impeachment.
This week, we’ll be texting Need to Impeach supporters in important districts and mobilizing them to contact their representatives:
join the texting team
The future of our democracy depends on what we do in these next few weeks. Thank you for stepping up to help demand that Congress do the right thing.
Hanna Mitchell
Texting Team Manager
Need to Impeach

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