Malcolm Nance Calls Stephanie Miller From Israel
Malcolm Nance Calls Stephanie Miller From Israel
Malcolm Nance calls in to the Stephanie Miller Show to discuss the ongoing conflict of Israel vs Gaza, with Nance highlighting the complex web of relationships and interests at play in the region. Miller expresses frustration with Netanyahu’s handling of the conflict, while Nance praises the bravery of US Navy SEALs during a recent mission.
The conversation touches on the political implications of the Senate’s vote on Israel’s actions and the broader geopolitical implications of the conflict, including its impact on US interests.
Malcolm Nance is in Israel for a month to provide on-the-ground analysis of the Israel Hamas war. Producing 30 second pieces of facts to counter propaganda and lies from terrorist groups.
I believe the conversation on the Stephanie Miller Show went as follows.
Stephanie Miller:
Hello Malcolm.
Malcolm Nance:
So first off, someone’s gonna have to show me where this war zone is. It’s actually, in fact, about 16 miles south of me. That’s where Gaza is. I’m in Tel Aviv, Jappa is where I’m actually reporting from the place I’m staying. Doing my podcasts and other recordings for Substack out of. It’s really swanky. It’s on the beach, in a area that is so old. Right outside my window is a rock is a sea feature. A rock in the middle of the bay, called the “Rock of Andromeda. And it’s so old. It is mentioned in Greek mythology, Where Perseus came and rescued princess Andromeda after her mother Cassiopeia gave her up to the sea god Poseidon. Where he brought the head of Medusa to kill the sea monster as he was going to rescue her. I have coffee in front of it.
Stephanie Miller:
So you wrote a piece, as you do, for your Substack. Special mission observing the Israel Hamas war. You said, I’ve traveled back to the Middle East on a mission, a very special mission. I’m in Israel headed to Gaza, the West Bank and the northern border. You’ve studied the counterterrorism aspects of the Israel Hamas war. This study will include the counterinsurgency in the West Bank, the budding war with Hezbollah in the northern cities, and the military operations of the Israeli army in Gaza.
You remind us. You spent your first 10 years in naval intelligence, working in the eastern Mediterranean. So talk to basically, this line you said. It became clear to me the only way I was going to cut through the current fog of stupidity was to get on the ground and explain things in short, easily consumable commentary, both on video and in writing. So you’re doing this on tick tock and Substack. So talk to u. You said, those who follow me know I have zero tolerance for the propaganda and lies of terrorist groups. I’ll be spending the next month there in Israel. You said, if they can push 30 second pieces of propaganda, I can push out 30 second or one minute pieces of facts from the ground. So talk to us about what you’re seeing and feeling first of all.
Malcolm Nance:
Well first off, Israel is an extremely modern country. It’s like Los Angeles without all the bums down in Venice Beach. Which I’m not sure it loses some color in that way. But it’s an extremely integrated society. I gotta tell you something. I haven’t been back in Israel in 30 years. I lived here for short while and now what I see is a vibrant, multicultural democracy. This is a pretty brown country.
I mean, people have this image of the Ashkenazi Jews. Who came from Europe, coming here at the end of World War Two. This country is 80% Mizrahi Jews. Those are Jews who were ethnically cleansed from Arab countries Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Yemen, a large number of Yemenis, Iraqis, Lebanese, Syrians, Jordan, all the rest. People who have come from those countries. They live here they have their children here. It is virtually impossible to tell them apart from from Israeli Arabs, the 20% of this country is made up of Palestinian Arabs who stayed here after 1948. Of the population of 160,000 Jews are Ethiopian Jews who came from the Eritrea region of Ethiopia.
The first guy I met here was a refugee from Darfour. A southern Sudanese Christian who left because he was ethnically cleansed by Islamist extremist militia men. So, it’s really amazing how super multicultural this country is. And my next article, which you’re gonna see later today or early tomorrow morning, is about the claim that Israel is an apartheid state. Someone’s going to have to find me some apartheid here. Because most people have this impression that the West Bank and Gaza are part of Israel. They are not.
They are independently self sustained or areas where Hamas has self administrated. Areas where Hamas was the leadership. The Palestinian Authority is the leadership but it’s not Israel, and there is a very strong border between the two. As we saw on October 7, Hammas invaded Israel, and the first thing they did was they slaughtered every person on the other side of the border. Including 70 Muslim Bedouins, Druze, Christians, Maronites, Catholics, Thai Buddhist, they didn’t care on the other side of the border.
It’s not apartheid. It’s not segregation. It’s an area with a group of people that have their own homogenous society, and they were hell bent on eliminating this multicultural democracy here.
Stephanie Miller:
Let’s talk about the politics here a little bit. The Senate voted to table a resolution that would require the Department of State to produce a report about Israel’s actions in Gaza. To determine whether they’ve committed human rights violations. The reporting is, Biden and his administration have repeatedly urged Netanyahu to work to minimize civilian casualties, but expressed frustration. One Biden official said, the President’s patience is running out. With Netanyahu specifically. So what is your take on it again. I don’t know what Biden does. Obviously Netanyahu wants to hang on to power. He doesn’t want any of this to end. Because he knows his grasp on power is tenuous, isn’t it?
Malcolm Nance:
Well, let me tell you his biggest threat on the parents of the people who are hostages. They had a massive protest here the other day. I just missed it by a couple hours when I arrived. Like the disappeared of Argentina. They have a disproportionate political impact because it’s their families. Children, women, and young men that are all hostages down there. Netanyahu, His form of right wing extremist politics. I don’t think it can survive. I think when you talk about engagement by the Biden administration, he’s speaking to the other officials of the other side of this government. He’s speaking to the people who did not want this thing to go on.
Stephanie Miller:
I guess that’s my main question. What is Biden supposed to do? Honestly, like I wished yesterday they could get rid of Netanyahu. But go ahead.
Malcolm Nance:
First off, the United States has to maintain its policy. Israel is an ally. And I want to point out some things it just drives me absolutely crazy that you know, this stupid tick tock, tick tock, education system that we have right now. It’s just amazing. Israel got $3 billion a year from the United States and she’s gotten none since they really initiated this war. In fact, what we did was allowed them to take ammunition from American war stocks that were being stored here in Israel, and it was generally artillery and some precision weapons.

But we are not funding the Israeli war on Gaza. Israel has a robust defense industry. The United States gives them $3.5 billion a year. We give Egypt the exact same amount, $3.5 billion a year as part of the Camp David Treaty of 1979. So, when I hear that this is Americans are killing babies, or whatever is going on. The Biden administration has to maintain that support. Another thing. 70% of Americans support supporting Israel, the very small vocal outsize micro minority of social justice activists and people who are chanting that they would like to genocide the Israelis by wiping them out from the river to the sea. They don’t represent America. They don’t work for anybody other than themselves.
Stephanie Miller:
The reason you keep going from one place to another, that gives me a heart attack is because it is all connected. We just played President Zelensky speaking you know, we’ve got some Secretary of State Blinken speaking. I don’t know how people don’t get that it’s in America’s interests. You know that it is all connected. That Putin funded and trained Hamas, that he loves this. If you let Putin just take Ukraine, talk about what that means for the United States.
Malcolm Nance:
People have forgotten because, again, we’re in a tick tock world. They don’t understand that the price of their Cheerios and gas is dependent on the United States having free trade and freedom of navigation with merchant shipping around the world. Iran, Russia, are acting as an axis with these terrorist proxies in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen, to destabilize the Western world. When this war started, it benefited Vladimir Putin and Iran. Then Iran suddenly realized that they can impact this.
As a matter of fact, I wrote on Substack about that too. That America is at war with Yemen, war-ish with Yemen. But they did this to destabilize the American political environment. I know that a rabid Donald Trump would be the best thing in the world for Iran. They could work quickly to get an atomic bomb by destabilizing prices. By using Yemeni terrorists to cut off access to the Suez Canal they would raise prices all around the world. The Iranians are very sophisticated. Moscow speaks to them on a minute to minute basis. So, anything that destabilizes America destabilizes Ukraine destabilizes Israel, destabilizes the world works for our enemies.
Stephanie Miller:
I just was saying that every everything, as you say, would be worse. God forbid if Trump were in office, Gaza would be a parking lot and all the hostages would be dead. He would have already given Ukraine to Putin. But Carlos says, to the far left who call Biden a war hawk. He’s not invaded anyone, by the way, Trump’s verbal response to the Houthis and now Iran would be to bomb the hell out of them. The likes of which they’ve never seen. That’s always his solution.
Malcolm Nance:
Not to mention Trump’s statement making it very clear. That deportations from the United States will begin at 12 Noon. Stephen Miller you know, Baby Gerbils, said that himself. By the way, that was one of the greatest days. I had the funniest joke I ever made on Bill Maher. By calling him Baby Gerbils.
Stephanie Miller:
Gravy seals and Meal Team Six are up there as well.
Malcolm Nance:
Trump has said he will deport anyone that supported the Free Palestine movement. He would remove all smallest student visas from anyone that participated in protests. He also said that he would deport any person who is not an American citizen that participated in any activity against Israel. This man serious and what do I have? I have people out there calling me Zionist racist colonialist words they don’t even understand because they all have terrible dictionaries. Calling Joe Biden genocide Joe, in a place where there’s no genocide.
Stephanie Miller:
It’s not defending Israel enough this week and I’m not really Jewish first of all, but secondly, okay. Secondly, nevermind. Fairly, I’m bad. I’m worse at that than at being a lesbian. Got this headline because you’re a Navy guy. The US says it seized around missile parts bound for the Houthis. After SEALs went overboard. A team of Navy SEALs lost two sailors overboard while searching a small boat off the coast of Somalia. They went on to find Iranian missile parts bound for Tehran backed Houthi rebels in Yemen. American ships and aircrafts are continuing a huge search and rescue mission. They disappeared in rough nighttime seas. Despite losing their two crew members. The team went on to find the Iranian made ballistic missile and missile components. This kind of broke my heart I know it does you as a sailor. One of the sailors was knocked overboard the other one jumped in after him.
Malcolm Nance:
That’s team guy protocol. One of the guys goes over the side, his swim buddy goes in after him and they link up and they await rescue. But as I understand it, I’m here on the Mediterranean Sea and four foot or five foot swells here are really bad. In the Indian Ocean. That’s where they really were there in the Indian Ocean. It’s bigger, like the Pacific.
They were having 80 foot swells which means, you know, every time a wave comes, they rise and fall 40 feet smashing against the side of the ship. If you hit that in a trough and the water goes down, and then it comes back, I don’t care how good a swimmer you are. These guys have a lot of gear and have floaty vests that they can inflate there but you might be knocked unconscious.
God bless their families. Maybe some miracle will happen in thinking they might be rescued but they have a mission as well. And that mission is to recover these these systems that are being sent to Yemen and had been smuggled by Iran for years. You know, we’re not at war with Yemen. We’re at war with the systems that are being sent to Yemen, designed to destroy global trade into the Suez Canal. It has virtually nothing to do with Israel.
Stephanie Miller:
Here’s what I love about you. You’re an expert but you call them floaty things and also shooty things
Malcolm Nance:
You’ve got to understand
Stephanie Miller:
Quickly I have to let you know that I ratted you out to Frangella. I sent them this tweet of yours about the black guy that’s under a blanket that says Black Lives Matter is a scam. Then outed you, because you are stealing Frangella’s act. As you said, my brothers and sisters just remember slave patrols and slave catchers always bought one completely submissive Negro long to go into the woods to trick escaping runaways. They paid him and butter biscuits. Don’t be a butter biscuit like this guy. I said, Someone is stealing your act.
Malcolm Nance:
I use butter biscuit all the time. You know what I might have stolen that because I listen to Fringilla relentlessly. Especially when I’m overseas and driving.
Stephanie Miller:
You called Michael Steele a biscuit which was very rude.
Malcolm Nance:
A guy is here in Israel right now this right wing Asian American nut who was in his twin bed wearing his Spider Man pajamas or something and, he’s a huge Trump supporter. But he’s visiting right now. If sדomebody said, you’re gonna call him that to your face? I’ll be like, oh, yeah, definitely call him a butter biscuit.
Stephanie Miller:
All right. Love you Malcolm. Stay safe, please.
Malcolm Nance:
Go subscribe to my Substack. You are only gonna get these reports from Israel on Substack.
Transcribed with help by
Images from New York Times
Israel-Hamas conflict and counterterrorism
Nance notes that Israel is an extremely modern and integrated society, but has changed since he last visited 30 years ago.
Multiculturalism in Israel and political developments. The diversity of Israel’s population, including Mizrahi Jews, Palestinian Arabs, and Ethiopian Jews.
Stephanie Miller discusses the Senate’s vote to table a resolution on Israel’s actions in Gaza, with a focus on human rights violations.
US-Israel relations and geopolitics
Biden administration frustrated with Netanyahu’s handling of Gaza conflict, with one official expressing “patience is running out.”
Malcolm Nance argues that the Biden administration must maintain support for Israel despite a vocal minority of social justice activists who advocate for genocide.
Nance believes that Iran and Russia are working together to destabilize the Western world through their proxies in the Middle East, which could benefit Iran’s nuclear program and increase prices globally.
US foreign policy and military actions
Miller and Nance discuss Trump’s deportation plans and anti-Palestinian rhetoric.
Navy SEALs lost 2 sailors searching for Iranian missile parts in Yemen.