Malcolm Nance Talks Ongoing Insurgency On Stephanie Miller
Malcolm Nance Talks About The Ongoing Trumpster Insurgency On The Stephanie Miller Show
Malcolm Nance, safely back from fighting for democracy in Ukraine, calls in to the Stephanie Miller Show to discuss the timeliness of his new book. The Trumpsters are armed and motivated to commit political genocide and terrorism. Malcolm has an answer to that. Bottom line is every Democratic, every non-voter, and the emerging youth vote have the power to begin voting out traitorous Republicant’s and giving the Democratic party strong majorities. Then they can pass all the backed up bills that Mitch McConnell has been obstructing for years. Only then will there also be a chance to bring all the Trump coup conspirators to justice. Coup plotters in the House and Senate must be expelled and removed from office. Only your vote can make this happen. Otherwise, this country will descend into a new Dark Ages for generations.
Just to get your terms right. An insurgency is made up of many ongoing insurrections. An insurgency includes acts of insurrection. The party of Q-anon and Putin said and did nothing to support democracy on January 6. Nor for the entire time we have this ongoing threat persisting. They just sit back and snipe at Democratic leaders while they leave it to them to clean up their Trump dilemma.
I believe the conversation went as follows, edited for online media formatting.

Sexy Stephy Says:
One way to fight back is buy Malcolm’s books read and give it to everybody you know!
How Trumpsters Want To Kill Americans
Stephanie Miller:
Good morning. Oh my God, you’re stateside, your home sailor. Hello.
Malcolm Nance:
Hello, How many jingles do I have? Yeah, four. I hadn’t heard that one in a long time.
Stephanie Miller:
Only people that pick up arms and go defend Ukraine get 4 jingles. That’s right. You heard that Jason Van Tatenhove, author of ‘The Propagandist: Oath Keepers and the Perils of Extremism.’ The former Oath Keeper that testified yesterday. I literally felt like I was reading Malcolm Nance in his new book. He’s talking about Civil War, talking about what could happen next, in the ongoing insurgency. Were you struck by that?
Malcolm Nance:
Yeah, it’s just absolutely ironic that this guy testifies on my new book launch day. I was up in upstate New York. We had a big discussion about this book on Public Radio, and I’m going to be honest with you and your listeners. This book is terrifying. It’s terrifying, but it is critical. Everyone needs to understand what they’re up against here. That’s part of the problem. People are gonna spend more time playing Candy Crush, and not realizing guys like this are out there planning, buying ammunition, preparing for civil war. If he hadn’t been arrested. I mean, I don’t even think he was particularly chastened over what he did on the in the insurrection.
Stephanie Miller:
The part where he said, We need to stop mincing words. It was an armed revolution. The parts where you saw all the people online and what they were saying, reacting to Donald Trump’s orders. It’s exactly what you’ve been saying. This is Civil War. This is an ongoing insurgency.
Malcolm Nance:
Well, I’m gonna break my arm patting myself on the back again. Because no one else was going to do it. I said this on November 6, 2020 days after the election. I was on Real Time with Bill Maher. Where I said, you want gloom and doom, I’m gonna give you gloom and doom. There won’t be any Kumbaya. Right? It will be insurgency. An insurgency is a series of insurrections. It’s a political campaign and a military, and terrorism campaign to destabilize the government.
We’re deeply into the political campaign. The Republican Party has become an insurgent party. They no longer care about governing. They are there to destroy and it’s only a hop skip and a jump to guys like the Oath Keepers. To start killing people on the basis of that.

Sexy Stephy Says:
One way to fight back is buy Malcolm’s books read and give it to everybody you know!
Stephanie Miller:
Yeah, the fact that he was talking about it. I worry about the upcoming election and this ongoing insurgency. I thought it was chilling. Here’s another point Stuart Stevens, former Republican, said. Just remember, almost every Republican didn’t want America to learn what we are learning. Also, no Republican leader has said they will not support Trump if he’s the nominee. These are not patriots. These are men who care about power, not their country.
Marc Elias said, please don’t forget that not a single Trump official spoke out at the time to say Trump should concede. They are now months later admitting under oath that Trump was unhinged, Their public silence at the time was an enabling form of complicity. If you wonder how we got here, right.
Malcolm Nance:
Well, I wrote extensively about them in this new book. If you want to see the transformation of the Republican Party. There’s a chapter in there about how they sort of tried to control Q-anon. Then Q-anon consumed the party. The fundamental belief about Democrats is that they must be eliminated, they should be killed. That they should have people hung in the day of the noose. When they go around wanting to kill Americans.
That, by the way, was a scenario that came from the guy who wrote the book The Turner Diaries. The book followed by Timothy McVeigh to blow up the Oklahoma City Building. Where they go around and they were going to look for Jews and liberals and whites that supported blacks and hang them from street posts. Part of that was the plot to kill Governor Whitmer.
Plan A was to hang Democratic lawmakers out of the windows of the buildings. When they say they brought that scaffold as a piece of performance art, no doubt they would have hanged Mike Pence from it. It would have killed him. We are at the point where our political opponents here mean us harm. I don’t say this lightly. You guys know you’ve been hearing me shout for two years now, that this is a serious situation. You need to buy the book and read it. It’s not a talisman, it’s not going to protect you unless you get the words inside.
Stephanie Miller:
Yeah, by the way, Malcolm all of these Republicans knew. Not just the 10 that they named, that were directly involved in this yesterday. But one of the most chilling things I remember is Adam Schiff talking about, to us, is that a Republican colleague on January 6, said, you have to hide. They know who you are. Anyone they recognize be it Pence or Pelosi, Romney, anybody that they could have recognized like Adam Schiff. A Republican colleague knew enough to say you need to hide. They if they see you… Right.

Sexy Stephy Says:
One way to fight back is buy Malcolm’s books read and give it to everybody you know!
Malcolm Nance:
Yeah, absolutely amazing. I was talking to Michael Cohen on his podcast the other day, and I was talking to him about the scenario that Trump was going to come to the Capitol. Then parade down into the well of the House and be appointed dictator. He wanted this he wanted the Secret Service to take him there so that he can go into that building and take control of American democracy to eliminate It. Right there to kill it. Right there in the well of the House. These are dangerous times.

Trump intends to do this and even worse, if Donald Trump, God forbid, were to have one croissant too many at Mar A Lago and keel over, you’ve got the DeSantis’ is out there that are willing to pick up this mantle and motivate people to kill. Someone asked me how come you didn’t call it Americans want to kill Americans? I want you to see them as a “they.” I want you to think who is they? And it’s very clear they who want to kill Americans are your neighbors. You can’t tell them apart in many instances.
Stephanie Miller:
Lawrence Tribe, made a point. I’ve read a tweet earlier this morning, Malcolm. Saying that he’s been hesitant to use the word, but that Joe Scarborough is using it and it is correct that we use the word treason. That this is the overthrow of the United States government that we are seeing attempted here. I was so struck by your your first book, warning us about Russia and the three, Bannon, Roger Stone, and Michael Flynn? I mean, these guys, because they got away with all this and got pardoned. They’re available again to keep committing treason.
Malcolm Nance:
Paul Manafort too. Absolutely, this is just absolutely ludicrous. This is all going to happen again. And here’s what I don’t want to hear. I don’t want to hear you liberals calling me or seeing me on the streets doing what you’re doing now. Which is going, Malcolm where can I buy a gun? What kind of gun should I buy? Where should we train? I don’t want to hear that. I’ll have you come up to me and say, I’m sick of hearing you say we have to vote. That’s the only weapon the Constitution affords you.
Trump’s ongoing insurgency of political genocide. What it is. Then how to stop it.
To change the laws and you can be dang sure your political opponents vote this November. They’re not only going to change the laws, they will end your law. Women have less rights than a firearm right now. Less rights than a firearm. That’s insane. I’m overseas and they think we’re crazy now and we are. Because we have mass shootings and murders all of the time. We now have cops that are immunized by the Supreme Court saying they have no obligation to actually go and save you. It’s ludicrous!

Sexy Stephy Says:
One way to fight back is buy Malcolm’s books read and give it to everybody you know!
Stephanie Miller:
We just had a call right before you came on. I’m like this is an orchestrated campaign to divide Democrats. He’s like weak leaders, Biden’s weak. I’m like this is the whole point of questioning should Biden run in 24. This is all to divide Democrats before the 202 Congressional Election. It reminds me exactly of 2016!
Malcolm Nance:
Who are these Democrats that would prefer to destroy the party. What are you not getting something? Because there’s some specific thing you’re not getting, like, gas prices going up. This is the greatest period of economic growth since Barack Obama. We are recovering this country. Having came out of a pandemic, people are still dying. The selfishness of some of these extreme progressive liberals are saying now everyone has to pass their purity tests.
Here’s the purity test. This nation’s American experiment will end this November if you did not get going and motivate yourself. It’s not about Joe Biden. It’s about George Washington. It’s about Jefferson, Adams, Lincoln, and saving what we have. I wrote this new book to warn you. The other side is not only armed, they’re organized and they have a plan.
Stephanie Miller:
And by the way, to your point. They Want To Kill Americans, the ongoing insurgency. Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal called the police over the weekend to report people outside her home using obscene language. The man was arrested on suspicion of a hate crime are threatening to kill the congresswoman. When officers arrived, they found the man standing in the middle of the street with his hands in the air a 40-caliber handgun holstered on his waist. A neighbor told police she heard the man yell something to the effect of go back to India. I’m going to kill you. The man lives within a half a mile of Jayapal. He got his bail set at $500,000 but prosecutors were unsuccessful in filing for an anti-harassment order to protect Jayapal I mean, as you keep saying this is ongoing. This insurgency.
Stephanie Miller:
Well, this isn’t about making someone uncomfortable enough to eat a steak. Alright, have you know which I think every person has the right to free speech. They have the right to interfere, to communicate their thoughts in the public forum. So long as they don’t threaten or bring firearms. Which the Republicans by the way, protest with firearms to give you the inherent threat that they could mass murder you. That’s why they come to these rallies with lots of guns. They understand the value of that. There’s only one thing that defeats that and it’s in the book that I wrote about it. That is your amassed people power of voting.
So if you don’t believe this, if you’re not working your friends and families, then everything that I write in that book is going to come true. By the way for those of you who have read my other books, you know I generally end on a constitutional happy and note trying to give you some hope. I do not end on hope in this book. The last phrase in this book should terrify the heck out of you. Because it came from a cop. Right? Who was planning mass murder.
Stephanie Miller:
Yeah, absolutely. Malcolm, I just wonder what you’re most struck by so far by the January 6 hearings and what you’re looking forward to? I mean, what are you have you been shocked by any of it and what’s your just your your general reaction?
Malcolm Nance:
Oh, not a lot of it has shocked me because I wrote this book a year ago., and everything that is happening is as I had written about and had predicted. What’s not shocked me is that it’s almost like this is just to get it on paper. This is a fact finding mission. I am not seeing anything come out of the Justice Department that would lead us to believe that they intend to do anything about this. Other than the basic convictions that they have of the intruders. Then Steve Bannon is playing games with law firms. About where he will and what he will not say, people taking the fifth, left and right and no consequence whatsoever. That has shocked me more than anything.
Stephanie Miller:
People were like, oh, civil war like, should we prosecute an ex president? I don’t see how this country can heal unless we prosecute this former president.

The road to reconciliation runs through accountability
Malcolm Nance:
Absolutely. We have to have accountability. You know, and here’s the kicker. For those of you who bought the audio version of my book, there’s an there’s a there’s a audio extra in there an epilogue. Where I talk about all the gear and equipment that I wore in in Ukraine, my body armor, my helmet, all this stuff. And then I realized the people who attacked us on January 6, were wearing this exact same equipment that I used to defend democracy in Ukraine. They came here to destroy American democracy wrapped in the clothes and trappings of the Special Operations commandos and their McDonalds six packs next door.
Stephanie Miller:
Yeah. You’re not a cosplayer. You are the real deal and you tweeted, I’ve donated most of the advance to the international Legion for new cars, ambulances, and medical equipment. Let’s be best. Once we hit number one, the Launch It For The Legion campaign will start to raise a million dollars for vehicles, and drones, and non-lethal medical items for American and Intel men and women. We are so happy you are home safe, Malcolm.

Sexy Stephy Says:
One way to fight back is buy Malcolm’s books read and give it to everybody you know!
Malcolm Nance:
Let me say, one last second. We are actually in a campaign to raise resources for the Legion. Non-lethal, we do not want to send weapons over there. But drones and these pickup trucks that we use as ambulances. When we get bombarded all the time, we have casualties all the time. We had a guy die because we couldn’t get him off the mountain in 45 minutes. Because we had no pickup truck.
So right now, if you’re inclined to donate, you can go to . Hit the donate button and your money will go straight to non-lethal support for the Ukrainian International Legion. It’s the only time I have ever asked for money ever in the seven years that I was on Twitter or on air. Now is the time for all good men to stand up and help out in the fight for democracy overseas as we fight it here.
Stephanie Miller:
Yes. As they taught us in our typing class. Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their party. Yes, I said typing class Shut up. I’m old.
They Want To Kill Americans. Let’s get this number one on the New York Times bestseller list. This is how much I love Malcolm Nance. I was tricked into this book event which I was told starts at six but it starts at 7pm out here in Los Angeles. Thursday July 21, 2022. I will be moderating. You get to meet Malcolm Nance. It will be around cities around the country. I cannot wait to see you honey and just so happy you’re home safe. By his new book They Want To Kill Americans.

Say NO to the Pot DUI Scam

Sexy Stephy Says:
One way to fight back is buy Malcolm’s books read and give it to everybody you know!
Transcribed with help from