Nance’s New Year 2023 Visit With Stephanie Miller
Nance’s New Year 2023 Visit To The Stephanie Miller Show
Malcolm Nance is on his third R&R form the fighting in Ukraine
They discuss the possibility that Russian armed forces are about to suffer enough damage to not continue on. Meanwhile, the home front battle gore on in Donald Trump’s ongoing insurgency in America. Expect a lot of shenanigans on the House of Representatives for the next 2 years, Until clean up time 2024. Take comfort that the Senate has both the blocking power and he subpoena power to keep the nation’s businesses going forward, not back to tired conspiracy theorist.
Enjoy this situation report from Malcolm Nance. I believe it went as follows.
Malcolm Nance New Years Report
Stephanie Miller:
Russians achieved all their other objectives in Ukraine. Do you have any thoughts on that?
Malcolm Nance:
These people all end up literally doing kooky talk. This is crazy with a capital K. I mean, this guy ran the Defense Intelligence Agency and what I want to know is. Was any of this stuff ever seen in his psych workup? Because this means he in a Russian originated conspiracy. I forget. He sat at the right hand of Putin, and took 45,000 bucks from him. Of course he would say something crazy like that. He is just a treasonous dolt.
Stephanie Miller:
A lot of people have asked why he hasn’t been called back up for court martial. Can you speak to that?

Sexy Stephy Says:
One way to fight back is buy Malcolm’s book The Plot to Destroy Democracy and read it and give it to everybody you know
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Malcolm Nance:
Well, because he really hasn’t been convicted of anything. We still have his free speech. You know, a First Amendment zone, but if he were to get convicted of something, then they would easily have grounds to pull his pension, things like that. And they often cut deals, where they’ll leave the pension. It will go to the wife and you know, and commissary privileges, and he’ll lose his benefits.
Stephanie Miller:
Yeah. I’m curious, continuing with his Russian talking points. General Michaell Flynn.
“I think one of the things we’ve got to come to grips with is that this situation in Ukraine is not going to end well. It is not in our favor. Right now. And the other thing is, I’m going to tell them, who are actors, mercenaries who make a lot of money, and this 100 and $10 billion to my estimate that we’ve already spent in Ukraine. I mean, this is a complete waste of our time, of our money, and we should get out of here. There is an easy way to to get to peace quickly. Frankly, everybody thinks that Russia is on the ropes in this case. Are sadly mistaken.”
Stephanie Miller:
I’ve just tweeted, Russia is going to lose. These people are indefatigable. I can’t say the word, they’re not going to give up. As you keep saying, another thing. Someone has the balls to tweet to you. You can find out exactly what the truth is, If you have the balls to go get on the battlefield, and you said. You certainly aren’t talking to me are you? Ukraine is winning and it ain’t even close. You know of what you speak because you were just there helping out.
Malcolm Nance:
Only five months in the Ukrainian army. Whatwar are they talking about? They’re talking about the war that they’re fighting in Walmart. I mean, not only is the man living in an alternate reality, okay, I’m going to use a professional term of art in the intelligence community. He’s crazy. He’s not insulting. What does he think he is? He has access to people who are in that world. He refuses to believe it. Russia is close to breaking.

Sexy Stephy Says:
One way to fight back is buy Malcolm’s book The Plot to Destroy Democracy and read it and give it to everybody you know
I’m reading up a new article for my 2023 substack about my predictions for this year. I’m gonna pull the full Nance-trodomus on what’s gonna go on with warheads over in Ukraine, but I’m telling you, When I left seven weeks ago, there were 106,000 dead Russians. Know how we know that? They leave the bodies on the battlefield. They never evacuate them. The Ukrainians have most of the bodies,. We can see that they’re dead. He’ll go shilling for Vladimir Putin. Maybe he’s been promised a deal with Edward Snowden next time he goes to Moscow, I don’t know.
Stephanie Miller:
The headline this morning Malcolm from NBC is, Russia says significant number of soldiers killed in an attack. Dozens of Russian troops were killed in the Ukrainian strike that used US-supplied artillery to hit a base and occupied part of the country on New Year’s Eve. The rare admission of the setback reflected the severity of the incident and of the domestic reaction to it. With influential pro-military figures voicing criticism of the Kremlin. Suggesting the death toll may have been much higher. Kiev also appears to suggest the number of soldiers killed is higher than Moscow’s initial numbers.
Malcolm Nance:
Russia saying that they’ve lost 62 soldiers in this attack on a was a resort building. Surrounded by fuel trucks and ammunition, this giant building in Mariska. They’re saying 62. Well, when Russia does that, multiply it by 10, Ukrainians are saying 400 and they know. They had persistent drones in that area.
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They watched the trucks of the mobilized come in, stand up formations, and counted them. They were all living in this building. We are just awesome, our weapons systems. Especially the new HiMars multiple rocket launch system. It can knock down specific pillars to make the whole building collapse. It’s that good. Russia has been having incidents like this, we killed 250 PFC Wagner mercenaries. Don’t believe the Ukrainians. Believe the videotape from the inside of those buildings. Where there were no survivors.
So, you should know. When Russia cops to 62, you multiply it by 10 for the truth. Everything Trump touches, dies. This man’s brain is rotted from it. I feel embarrassment that I actually complimented him on a documentary that was done on MSNBC. For his skill in Iraq, but now I see it was just him. That was his moment of lucidity before lost his dang mind.
Stephanie Miller:
Over the holidays, a lot of stuff. Bombshells, I guess. Feels like stuff we already knew, right? Trump’s taxes the Jan 6th Committee stuff. Now John Bolton is confirming what we already suspected. It’s that Trump would have just given Ukraine to Putin is basically, when he said, if he had won a second term. He would have just given it to him.
Malcolm Nance:
Technically, he tried. When he tried to extort Zelensky for those $400 million in defense funds.
Do you know what that was? Those were the Javelin missiles that stopped the Russian invasion. Trump was trying to extort him, blackmail him to coming up with some fake investigation. Otherwise, nice country you got there. It’ll be a shame if something happened. He would have used the entirety of us as authority and NATO to assist Russia. Ukraine, he was stepped away anyway. This isn’t our fault. The man is, Donald Trump is. By every measure, and quite possibly that the constitutional measure, is a traitor to America. I wouldn’t be surprised if he moves into to Putin Dacia. Which is the size of Versalles.
Nance New Years Predictions
Stephanie Miller:
What are your predictions for 2023? is it going to be the year of justice, of accountability for Trump? What do you think is going to happen in Ukraine and when? Give us your your answer, Nance-trodamus.
Malcolm Nance:
Well, let me let me give you Ukraine first. This is the year that the Russian army will shatter , I predicted last June. That come September their offensive combat power was finished, They wouldn’t be able to do anything except delay actions. And that’s precisely what happened. I know I took part in that our offensive that proved that. I bet my life on that.

Sexy Stephy Says:
One way to fight back is buy Malcolm’s book They Want To Kill Americans and read it and give it to everybody you know
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Now I think we’re going to a new phase.
They are going to start losing territory that Russia views as Russia. Luhansk, quite possibly major parts of Donetsk. Kirov Oblast. They’re going to lose all the Kirov province. That’s just a foregone conclusion. It’s a question of when and whether their army starts giving up in mass is another great question. I think that the Russian army is finished this year. You can throw bodies at it. That does nothing but give us more bodies to count.
Stephanie Miller:
What about accountability, obviously the year what They Want To Kill Americans is essentially about January 6. Did you have some reactions to the Jan 6 Committee report. Anything surprised you?
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Malcolm Nance:
Just the depth of the conspiracy. Ari Melber. Really good segment the other day when he said all of the low level participants are really getting hammered and being held accountable. Apparently there’s this thing at Justice Department where they will not go after other lawyers. He said the Eastman’s and Cipollone’s, all of these people are being held to a higher justice standard than the average person who came into the building. That the conspiracy was far deeper than anything that we had thought. We all knew Trump was was involved in it. Was was working at it.
When I started that book, They Want To Kill Americans. I started that book in August of 2020. It was sold in December of 2020. It was pretty easy to predict everything that would happen, but of the conspiracy between the senior staff and governors, you know, trying to put in fake electors to overthrow the government. I foresaw an insurrection, but I didn’t perceive that the entire Republican Party was there was a grand old conspiracy party. Ready to overthrow American democracy and establish a dictatorship.

Sexy Stephy Says:
One way to fight back is buy Malcolm’s book They Want To Kill Americans and read it and give it to everybody you know
Stephanie Miller:
Speaking of 2023, will the Republicans have a speaker by the end of 2023? We’ll still be voting at this rate. Malcolm Nance: It might be Marjorie Taylor Greene.
Malcolm Nance:
I think that Democrats really need to go to hardball here. They really need to put up Liz Cheney. You know, all it requires is five Republicans. For her to be the Speaker of the House and all the Democrats. And let’s say we lose Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, but a Republican is going to be put in that seat anyway. You want one that is not going to destroy America in the process.
So I personally think that McCarthy is more than willing to put in two months, that the last time it went this far away, right where there was no speaker but you know, the crazies are not going to relent here. They are given full run of the house. Now, I wouldn’t be surprised today if they announced that they must be made chairs of the big committees. I wouldn’t be surprised if McCarthy gives it to him Because he’s crazy.
Stephanie Miller:
Right and Nance is rarely wrong. They Want To Kill Americans is the new book. We love you. See you next week.

Sexy Stephy Says:
One way to fight back is buy Malcolm’s book They Want To Kill Americans and read it and give it to everybody you know
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