What I Experienced During The Day Of The Walking Derps:
What I experienced during The Day Of The Walking Derps: Trumpsters are dupes. Trumpism is a cult
Trumpism Resistance Help Alliance
Now Resisting Trumpism
What I experienced during The Day Of The Walking Derps: Trumpsters are dupes. Trumpism is a cult
Trumps daily COVID-19 gas-lighting sessions are not going to be carried, as news, by the American news networks. Rather than just performing for RT, the Trump administration has decided to back out of these self-serving infomercials. This is all the result of public outrage over the embarrassing spectacles.
Bernie is not a brand. Bernie has not- for a second campaign for President, benefited from the rich and famous elites by hanging out for dollars. This phenomenon is a true grass roots coalition of those who have lived long enough to experience systematic injustice in America. A breakdown in democracy that the Constitution was designed to fix, once we get sane hands on the levers of power.
How did the impeachment fight get diverted into a struggle over the rules for a Senate trial? The pressure is on Moscow Mitch McConnell and the Republicans who are up for re-election. Either use the same rules they used for Bill Clinton's impeachment or get caught colluding with Trump in defending foreign election interference.
The Republicans will be treading on very thin ice to vote against admitting documented evidence and witnesses to the facts. Now it will be time to put every Senator on the record. What will they defend, our nation or their party?
We’re coming up on the end of the year, and we’ve got a lot of plans for 2020. To build a strong, inclusive progressive movement, we’re going to be doing a lot of organizing, power building, and training next year.
So how do we turn this around? It starts with our grassroots power. We've got to show lawmakers and the media just how many people are engaged in the fight to impeach Trump. And to do that, MoveOn needs resources.
A new wave of resistance to Donald Trump is rising. From the tally of indictments and guilty pleas to the bombshell whistle-blower reports, it's clear that impeachment apathy has ended for Democrats AND Republicans. Support the MoveOn phone tree campaign.
Here's a report for you about how the impeachment of Donald Trump is progressing. He will not be allowed to continue refusing to disclose what he's been hiding anymore
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