Put Trump on the stand
On Thursday night, Bernie Sanders supporters made 547,552 phone calls to voters in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, South Carolina and Super Tuesday states with the most important question of the campaign:
Trumpism Resistance Help Alliance
Now Resisting Trumpism
On Thursday night, Bernie Sanders supporters made 547,552 phone calls to voters in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, South Carolina and Super Tuesday states with the most important question of the campaign:
A report on how the Bernie campaign is doing in the Iowa Caucus. His funding with only small repeatable donations has allowed him to keep pace with the competition so far. The huge rallies and social media buzz shows Bernie Sanders can win in Iowa and beyond.
The Bernie for President 2020 campaign wants to make 5 Million phone calls to targeted voter groups. You can help us with nothing more than your phone, a computer and an hour of you time. The campaign phone app does the hard part of finding numbers to call and connecting you.
Bernie showed how small donations can work to counter the wealthy elite with people power. The Bernie Sanders 2020 campaign has made it up to the first primary caucuses without accepting any donations from corporate special interests
Bernie Sanders is still proving that small donors count for a lot. They have kept Bernie on par with the other candidates now for a second Presidential campaign in a row. Our small, sustainable, repeatable, donations are the first result of people power trumping money power. The ultimate victory of people power is on voting day, but first we need to continue to fund the nomination at the Democratic National Convention. Small donors don't just count for funding, they make Bernie credible to the media and the Democratic Party.
2019 Year End Report on how the Bernie Sanders Campaign is doing as the year ends. A note from Michael Moore, Join Bernie's phone call campaign and as always -the importance of small donors to counteract big corporate funders of typical politicians.
Bernie Sanders Book Is Out. And if you love Bernie, this will be required holiday reading. It will prepare you for conversations with any anti-social people you sit with.
( AOC ) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez endorses Bernie. It’s a great day let’s make it one of the best days of the campaign. Because if we do, we are going to win. Great debate… GREAT endorsements… here’s what’s next
Here's the news going into November with Bernie throwing huge rallies on the way to the Iowa Democratic Candidates Debate 2019. We have the momentum. We have the volunteers...
please say that you endorse our campaign right now. Bernie2020 has 400,000 more donors than Trump. Joining our grass roots small donation revolution. It's the best way to denounce the current money-driven political system we are in now. Learn how we harness people power to overpower the money power!