Author for the resistance, Malcolm Nance, stops fighting for a bit to report back to the States, train recruits and add to his next book. He always calls in to the Stephanie Miller Show when he has a chance.
The political dilemma that we face with a 50% split with a party that will obstruct and hinder at every turn. The Republican't Party is not about governance, only about protecting and advancing corporate rip-offs against the people
Elizabeth "Blue Wave" Warren on We announced our first endorsements of the year for the upcoming Congressional Election 2022. We can elect leaders who are accountable to the people. No more corporate pawns from any political party.
Kyle Rittenhouse is a monster, born of a right wing media worldview, Proud Boys, and Wisconsin cops always looking for violence loopholes. Any ability to get civilians to shoot protesters is desirable to them, but they hit gold with Kyle's killing spree being acquitted. Expect to see Republican politicians and the talking heads that script them to seize upon Kyle as the ultimate poster boy
How to keep winning with young voters and what we've accomplished recently. Use these actionable steps to push back against Trumpism and the Republican't Party
President Biden first set of Executive Orders. It just goes to show you that The Biden Administration will be working every day to rebuild America. First to undo what Trump screwed up with Presidential Directives. Here's the first list of executive orders.
Trump has spent the last four years using the White House as a shield against facing consequences for his crimes, but in just 15 days, that protection ends, and we need to launch a campaign. MoveOn wants a Trump Crimes Commission Investigation
Anti-Trump Halloween Costume Ideas & Halloween Blog
Here are some Trump related costume ideas so you can make a statement on Halloween 2022 and beyond to the election. Consider this your Halloween Fun and Good Trouble Blog.