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Bernie Campaign Truth Blog 2

Here’s Some True Facts About Bernie Sanders 2020

And nothing but the truth straight to you from his campaign team. Beto O’ raised a million on his first day. As expected, the 2020 Bernie Sanders for President Campaign got it’s first million donations -not all $3- He did it in just 3 days! Beto just had a fraction of as many donors, though. In this election I wonder if manpower can trump money power.

Brothers and sisters, if we stand together, there is no limit to what we can accomplish. And that is all of us … together.

Not me. Us.

I hope you will join me.

 In solidarity,

Here is the truth: no candidate, not even the best candidate you could possibly imagine, is capable of taking on Donald Trump, the political establishment, and the billionaire class of this country alone.
There is only one way to do that. There is only one way we’re going to create a government that will truly work for all of us and not just the one percent of this country.

So today, while the entire political establishment, financial elite, and corporate media watches to see the strength of our movement on day one, I have to ask:

Can I count on you to make a $3 donation to our campaign before midnight tonight? I cannot do this alone, it is only possible if we’re in it together.

What we faced in 2016 and since is nothing compared to what those who want to stop our agenda will throw at us in 2019 and 2020. I am thankful to know that we’re in this fight together. That’s the only way.

Bernie Truth Blog Entry #2

Bernie Has His First Million Contributors

Feb 25, 2019
So when I announced our presidential campaign, we set an ambitious goal of getting 1 million people — people of all backgrounds and from every community in this country — to sign up and say that they are committed to doing what it takes to win this election.The only way that we will win this election and create a government and economy that work for all of us is by building a grassroots movement the likes of which has never been seen before in American history.

Well, I am happy to share that yesterday Deborah from Brownstown Charter Township in Michigan was the millionth person to add her name and join our fight.

We did it. We hit this first important goal we needed to reach if we’re going to win this campaign. But the truth is, that goal is just a start.

Make no mistake about it. The special interests in this country have unbelievable power and they want to maintain the status quo.

They have unlimited amounts of money to spend on campaigns and lobbying and have huge influence over the media and political parties.

But while they have the money, we have the people. And that’s important.

Because if we are going to pass Medicare for All, we are going to have to take on the insurance companies.

If we are going to lower drug prices, we’re going to have to take on the pharmaceutical industry.

If we are going to pass universal background checks and an assault weapons ban, we’re going to have to take on the NRA.

If we’re going to pass a Green New Deal and fight climate change, we’re going to have to take on the fossil fuel industry.

If we’re going to shut down private prisons, we are going to have to take on and defeat a very powerful private prison industry.

If we are going to have a foreign policy that focuses on democracy, human rights, diplomacy and world peace, we are going to have to take on the military industrial complex.

If we are going to create trade policies that reflect the interests of working people, we are going to have to take on very large and powerful multi-national corporations.

If we are going to create an economy that works for all of us and not just the wealthy few, then we are going to have to take on Wall Street and the billionaire class in this country.

And the truth is no candidate and no president, not even the greatest president you could possibly imagine, is capable of taking on all of those industries and all of those groups alone.

But together, we can create a nation that leads the world in the struggle for peace and for economic, racial, social and environmental justice.

Together, we can defeat Donald Trump and repair the damage he has done to our country.

Brothers and sisters, if we stand together, there is no limit to what we can accomplish.

Not me. Us.

Thank you for helping us reach this first milestone for our campaign.

In solidarity, Bernie Sanders

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