Voices Of The Impeach Trump Movement
Voices Of The Impeach Trump Movement
Here are some of the leading voices in the movement to Impeach Donald Trump. They can show you many ways to get active and have an impact on the most criminal Administration and the upcoming election opportunity to remove the Republican’ts from power.
Country Over Party
You may have heard, we’re launching a $3.1 million ad campaign targeting Senate Republicans in Arizona, Colorado, Maine, and Iowa. Thanks to your efforts, a majority of representatives support impeachment. Now it’s time to shift our focus to the Senate to ensure Donald Trump is removed from office.
Trump has failed as our Commander-in-Chief by putting his own political gain above American’s best interests. All voters – whether Democrat or Republican – need to know what’s on the line and what they can do to hold Trump accountable. Can you help us spread the word? Pick the Senate Republican you want to pressure the most by choosing an ad to share on Facebook or Twitter: Sen. Susan Collins (Maine): Share on Facebook or Twitter Thank you! |
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BREAKING Sept 24, 2019: Impeachment is Now Happening
Impeachment Alert (via MoveOn)
Dear MoveOn member,
The dam has finally broken. Over the past 24 hours, dozens of members of Congress have announced their support for impeaching Donald Trump, and this afternoon House Speaker Nancy Pelosi finally announced the framework of an official impeachment inquiry.1
Here’s the problem: Congress is about to go on a two-week recess, and we cannot afford to lose momentum, which means we need to act right now.
MoveOn is launching an emergency fundraising drive right now. We need to raise $250,000 in the next 72 hours to fund a campaign to push so that every single Democrat comes out in support of impeachment by Friday. James, can you rush $3 right now to help us meet our goal?
The need to impeach Trump has been clear for a long time—MoveOn called for his impeachment over two years ago—so what has changed over the past few days to open the floodgates? News reports have mounted suggesting that Trump withheld nearly $400 million in congressionally authorized military aid to the nation of Ukraine in an effort to force their government to aid Trump’s re-election effort and attack his political opponents.2
The details of Trump’s attempted blackmail are so flagrant that they deserve a thorough examination. Here is what we know:
- Earlier this month, news broke that a whistleblower in the intelligence community had initiated the official process to lodge a complaint they believed met the standard of violating either the law or constitution, and the Intelligence Inspector General agreed that this complaint rose to the level of “credible and urgent,” a legal standard that requires the complaint to be given to Congress within 7 days.3
- Instead of following the law, the acting Director of National Intelligence informed Attorney General William Barr, and together they refused to give any details of the complaint to Congress.4
- Thanks to dogged reporting, we now know that the information the whistleblower shared was that Donald Trump withheld nearly $400 million in congressionally authorized military aid to Ukraine in an attempt to force their government to investigate sham accusations of wrongdoing against the Biden family—all as part of an effort to influence the 2020 election and boost Trump’s chances for re-election.5,6,7,8
That’s right: These reports say that Trump used the power of the presidency to withhold aid meant to stop Russian incursions into Ukraine in an effort to force a foreign government to interfere in our elections—and then suppressed the turnover of whistleblower documents required by the law.
This is not only an earth-shattering level of corruption, it is also the textbook definition of an impeachable offense, and it has finally forced Democrats off the sidelines and into the fray.
Now, we must do everything we can to support the impeachment process in the House. That’s why MoveOn is holding a major event in Washington, D.C. this week, flooding Congress with calls, running ads, and gearing up for a huge national week of action in districts across the country next week to ensure that impeachment moves forward without any delay.
Chip in $3 right now to our emergency 72-hour campaign to fuel the impeachment efforts in Congress.
MoveOn has already been leading in this fight. We called for Trump’s impeachment back in 2017, and just last month we led “Impeachment August,” holding events and calling on lawmakers to take a stand—which led to the most new support for impeachment from members of Congress in a single month since the start of Trump’s presidency. Now that Congress is finally poised to take definitive action, we will continue to pound the drum for impeachment by driving calls to members of Congress who remain silent, hosting events in D.C. and around the country, running digital ads, and more.
At the same time, MoveOn is getting ready to announce our 2020 plans. This could be the biggest year in our 20-year history—and we will be holding Mitch McConnell and other Republicans like Susan Collins who have aided and abetted Trump’s schemes accountable.
Thanks for all you do.
–David, Ann, Katie, Reggie, and the rest of the team
1. “Nancy Pelosi Announces Formal Impeachment Inquiry of Trump,” The New York Times, September 24, 2019
2.”Trump Said to Have Frozen Aid to Ukraine Before Call With Its Leader,” The New York Times, September 23, 2019
3. “Trumpcast,” Slate, September 20, 2019
4. Ibid.
5. “Trump suggests he mentioned Biden in phone call with Ukrainian president,” The Washington Post, September 22, 2019
6. “Trump Repeatedly Pressed Ukraine President to Investigate Biden’s Son,” The Wall Street Journal, September 21, 2019
7. “Trump Said to Have Frozen Aid to Ukraine Before Call With Its Leader,” The New York Times, September 23, 2019
8. “Whistle-Blower Complaint Is Said to Involve Trump and Ukraine,” The New York Times, September 19, 2019 https://act.moveon.org/go/94206?t=17&akid=246666%2E37212143%2EQQVjEl 
Contributions to MoveOn Civic Action are not tax-deductible for income tax purposes. You’re receiving this email because you took action with MoveOn. MoveOn.org is where millions mobilize for a better society—one where everyone can thrive. MoveOn members are committed to an inclusive and progressive future. We envision a world marked by equality, sustainability, justice, and love. And we mobilize together to achieve it. MoveOn members are a force for social justice and political progress. We come from all 50 states and all walks of life. Together, we are at once large and nimble, targeting our resources purposefully, yet pivoting quickly as we identify new opportunities for change and mobilize to seize them. Our rapid-response organizing and campaigning, communications interventions, digital innovation, rigorous data science and testing, and culture of grassroots participation have repeatedly combined to produce real-world impact, changing outcomes and making our country better.
Update On Impeachment From Indivisible
Here’s how you can keep the ball rolling on impeachment
Yesterday, in the shadow of the US Capital, hundreds gathered to both marvel at and push forward at this moment in history that we’ve been working towards. Here’s the short version: Trump’s actions are not just corrupt — they are a matter of national security, election security, and the integrity of our democracy.
And we need Congress to treat this matter as such. This is why your pressure on Congress is so crucial to this effort. When we come together and demand what we want, Congress must either listen or get out of the way of the truth.
We’re at the point in our democracy, in our history, when just saying facts out loud can sort of sound inflammatory or controversial or even scary to some so bare with us while we point out just a few of the facts:
- The President of the United States held back military aid to a foreign ally that had been directed by Congress.
- The President of the United States got on the phone with a head of state, a foreign head of state, and asked for a “favor.”
- The President of the United States asked for help investigating a domestic political rival from a foreign head of state.
Ok. Maybe they’re right… those facts are pretty scary.
If you missed it, here’s a personal recap of Leah’s speech at the ImpeachNOW event:
The ImpeachNow rally was about challenging Congress to put in the work (much like all of you have been doing over the last 2 years). Rather than going home and letting the news cycle move on without any action (we’ve seen that before), Congress could have canceled their scheduled recess, stayed in Washington, and did their jobs to hold Trump accountable.
Don’t worry! We’ve got a Plan B:
We need Congress to put in the work and hold a vote on impeachment as soon as possible. Every day Trump sits in office without any consequences for his behavior is a threat to the country and our most fundamental principles. So no matter where Members of Congress go, we’ll be there to demand that they hold Trump accountable.
Forget Selfies! We Want Answers From Our Presidential Candidates
Robert Reich Knows Mith McConnel -Knows He Is Stonewalling Trump’s Impeachment
Dear fellow MoveOn member,
I’ve known Mitch McConnell for a long time, since I was a Cabinet secretary in the 1990s, and I can tell you: He truly is the Darth Vader of Washington politics. Which is why I’m glad to see that he’s finally getting into hot water.
The nickname “Moscow Mitch” is sticking to him like glue because of his efforts to kill election security legislation. He’s under fire from constituents for blocking bipartisan background checks legislation for gun sales after the mass shootings in Dayton, OH, and El Paso and Odessa, TX.
And, now, he’s being called out for blocking funds for Kentucky coal miners suffering from incurable black lung disease. Kentucky is one of the biggest coal states in the country. Coal mining is one of the most dangerous jobs in the country, and the number of cases of incurable black lung disease has been on the rise. If you live in Kentucky coal country, it’s pretty much a lock that you know someone who is suffering from the dreadful health effects of coal mining.
For years, Republicans have been incredibly skillful at using divisive issues like guns, global warming, and abortion rights to turn Kentucky coal families against Democratic candidates.
But the truth is that it’s the Republicans who don’t give a damn about coal miners, except as political props.
That was never more clear than this summer, when a group of coal miners took a 10-hour bus ride to Washington, D.C., to ask McConnell to provide health care funding for the coal miners suffering from the incurable lung disease. McConnell met with them for one minute and then refused to help them.2
This is one of the reasons why McConnell’s approval ratings are so bad even in his solidly Republican home State of Kentucky—and it’s why we can beat him and so many other GOP senators, if we go big.
But adding Kentucky to MoveOn’s list of target states will mean taking on a whole new set of fixed expenses that MoveOn otherwise wouldn’t budget for. For instance, to run a real get-out-the-vote operation, they’ll need to hire organizers and fund campaign ads.
My friends at MoveOn first contacted me about this challenge—and opportunity—earlier this summer. They wanted to know if I thought it was worthwhile to try to take on McConnell—and to know how much more they’d need to raise in order to defeat both Trump and McConnell in 2020.
I immediately said, “Let’s go for it!“ Because if we beat Trump but McConnell remains as Senate majority leader, then he will STILL be able to block anything that helps people or hurts the GOP’s big donors.
So, the 2020 election will be a defining moment for America. If we beat Trump and replace McConnell as Senate majority leader, then we’ll have a real chance to take back the courts, repeal Trump’s tax scam, finish the job that we started on health care with the Affordable Care Act, do something about guns, make progress on the climate crisis, and so much more.
But it starts here, with regular folks like you and me stepping up to make sure that MoveOn has the resources to take on McConnell, Trump, and the GOP and win. Will you join me and chip in $15 a month to fuel MoveOn’s 2020 election campaign?
Yes, I’ll chip in $15 a month to defeat Mitch McConnell, Donald Trump, and the GOP.
No, I can’t chip in $15 a month, but I can still help out.
Thanks for all you do.
–Robert Reich
Time For Impeachment (A Petition)
Dear MoveOn member,
House Leader Nancy Pelosi has officially announced that she will be opening an impeachment inquiry into Donald Trump. This is after a report came out stating that Donald Trump withheld $400 million in aid that Congress had appropriated to Ukraine in order to pressure Ukraine’s president to help Trump’s re-election.1 A partial summary of a phone call was released by the White House this morning confirming Trump’s attempt to seek foreign assistance in his political campaign by smearing a political rival. He even encouraged the Ukrainian president to worth with both the government’s attorney general and Trump’s personal attorney.2 This is an egregious and obvious abuse of power—and only the latest in a longline of impeachable offenses and abuses by Trump. Now is a critical moment where Congress can step up and hold a sitting sitting president accountable for abusing his role for personal interests.
Our nation’s founders made sure that the Constitution contained a check on a president who abused power and broke the law, and it is time for all of Congress to fulfill their constitutional duty.
Sign this petition demanding that Congress begin impeach Trump!

Donald Trump and those around him have sought to undermine the institutions of our democracy in ways we’ve never seen before. His dealings with Ukraine and manipulation of foreign relations for personal interest is just the most recent example of his abuse of power.
The Mueller Report and Robert Mueller’s testimony confirmed that Trump has not been exonerated and that there are open matters of obstruction of justice that only Congress can pursue. Michael Cohen has called Trump a “conman,” a “racist,” and a “cheat.” In his testimony in front of the House Oversight Committee, Cohen shared that Trump knew about the hacking of the Democratic National Committee emails and eventual release by Wikileaks.
We will not treat this as normal. And politicians in Washington must not continue to conduct business as usual. Everyone in Congress must look in the mirror and decide how they will fulfill their oath to defend our Constitution and which side of history they want to be on.
If they fail to do so, millions of MoveOn members across the country will hold them accountable.
Click here to add your name to this petition, and then pass it along to your friends.
—Mara Schechter
1.”Nancy Pelosi Announces Formal Impeachment Inquiry of Trump,” The New York Times, September, 24, 2019
2. “Trump pressed Ukraine’s president to work with Barr for dirt on Biden,” Politico, September, 25, 2019
Tom Steyer – Re: Ukraine
A formal impeachment inquiry
The president has admitted to discussing the Democratic presidential primary on a call with the Ukrainian president. We must hold him accountable for inviting foreign governments to interfere in our election. Tell our representatives to investigate Trump’s lawless behavior — and impeach him:
Donald Trump won his presidency with aid from a foreign government, so it shouldn’t surprise any of us that he’s turning to another foreign government to assist him during his re-election campaign. What should surprise us is that our party leaders are standing by while he does it.
The time for action was months — even years — ago. We must stop Trump before he does any more damage to our democracy. Add your name right now to demand that Congress do their jobs and investigate this president’s ongoing criminal activity.