Elizabeth Warren Campaign’s Lead Up to the Iowa Caucus
A Report On the Elizabeth Warren Campaign’s Lead Up to the Iowa Caucus
Here’s a report on how the Elizabeth Warren campaign is doing in the lead in to the important Iowa Caucus. This first primary contest will accelerate the campaign of whoever wins. You’re a valuable member of this team, and Elizabeth needs your help. The only way we’re reaching our goals is through grassroots support.
POLLING ALERT: It’s a dead heat in lead up to Iowa Primary
CNN: Iowa poll shows close 4-way race ahead of caucuses
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We’re just over three weeks from Iowa and this poll shows what we already know: What we’re doing is working.
Thus, we know what we need to keep doing in the lead up to Iowa and everywhere. Talk during this lead up period with Iowa caucus-goers and voters from the heart about Elizabeth’s plans for big, structural change.
We do that by running an unbeatable ground operation, and our job now is to make sure our organizers on the ground in Iowa have all the resources they need to get the most Iowans to the caucuses as possible.
Thank you for everything,
Team Warren
We are in the 3 week lead up to the Iowa Caucus. Bernie Sanders is in position to win this important primary contest, unashamed to be a progressive liberal.
So please help with your donations, phone calling, opinion polling in the lead up to the Iowa Caucus.

Sexy Stephy Says:
One way to fight back is buy Malcolm’s book The Plot to Destroy Democracy and read it and give it to everybody you know“The Plot to Destroy Democracy”
See other Malcolm Nance posts -click here
If you make calls leading up to Iowa this weekend, Elizabeth may call you!
So with only 23 days of lead up to Iowa caucus votes, the conversations we have with Iowans right now couldn’t be more important. And if you make calls today, Elizabeth might give you a call to thank you!

Sexy Stephy Says:
One way to fight back is buy Malcolm’s book The Plot to Destroy Democracy and read it and give it to everybody you know“The Plot to Destroy Democracy”
See other Malcolm Nance posts -click here
Click here to start making calls in the lead up to Iowa. Call caucus-goers right now, and sign up for a shift or two another time this weekend and make sure to keep your phone nearby. Then Elizabeth just might give you a call, too!
Everyone has a different reason for being in this fight, and sharing your reasons with caucus-goers who might just be tuning in to this race could make all the difference on caucus night.
Elizabeth is grateful down to her toes for the grassroots movement we’ve built together — and with only 24 days to the Iowa caucuses, she wants to tell you herself.
If you can help us make calls to Iowa caucus-goers between now and Sunday, Elizabeth might call you to thank you. Can she count on you to make calls now?
Everyone has a different reason for being in this fight, and sharing your reasons with caucus-goers who might just be tuning in to this race could make all the difference on caucus night. So, whether you can start making calls right now, or if you can commit to make calls for Elizabeth this weekend. Even after work, during your lunch break, or for just an hour before taking your dog for a walk in the morning, you can help shape this race. Thanks for being in this fight with us, and remember: If you get a call from an unknown number, pick up it might be Elizabeth!
Thanks for your help |
Hi team We come bearing great news this morning: The first 10 days of January 2020 were the best fundraising start to any month of our campaign so far! Here’s how we feel about it click on your favorite gif of Elizabeth dancing to donate and keep up the momentum leading up to the Iowa Caucus:
Bust a move with Elizabeth Warren This comes on the heels of us closing December with our best-ever end-of-quarter, our best ever day of fundraising, and our best-ever fundraising hour. As always: our fundraising is grassroots all the way, with $0 from selling access to big donors. Chip in a little extra to help build on our momentum as we count down to Iowa.
Here’s the challenge: Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, and Pete Buttigieg all raised more than our campaign last quarter, setting us a few steps behind a few weeks before caucusing and voting begins.
But there’s good news: In 2020, we’ll be disclosing our fundraising numbers on a monthly basis — and that means our January fundraising numbers will be our last opportunity to demonstrate the strength of our grassroots movement before the Iowa caucuses and close the gap.
So here’s what we’ll need to do: Close the fundraising gap as quickly as possible and make this our strongest month yet.
Why we’re asking: You’re a valuable member of this team, and Elizabeth needs your help. The only way we’re reaching our goals is through grassroots support, so any contribution you can make today would go a long, long way.
The way I see it, getting involved in a political campaign is an act of optimism.
Thus, joining the fight means that we can make things better than they are now. That we all have a role to play, whether it’s chipping in a few bucks or knocking on doors for a few hours (or both!).
It’s about hope for the America that we can build together, $2 at a time.
An America where Washington is focused like a laser on creating good-paying jobs for hard-working Americans, not padding the profits of giant multinational corporations. When people get the care they need if they get sick, and no one goes broke because of medical bills.
Where people can decide to have more kids without worrying that the cost of child care will crush them. So anyone who wants to follow their dream and hit the books can get a degree from a technical school, community college, or public university at no cost.
Soon 2020 will be our moment to dream big, fight hard, and win. Starting in 2021, we’ll have a government that works for everyone, not just the rich and powerful.
Thanks for being a part of this,
Elizabeth Warren

Sexy Stephy Says:
One way to fight back is buy Malcolm’s book The Plot to Destroy Democracy and read it and give it to everybody you know“The Plot to Destroy Democracy”
See other Malcolm Nance posts -click here
Will you endorse the candidacy of Elizabeth Warren for President?
It’s clear. Today, the only way we win this election, and continue our fight for big structural change in 2021 and beyond, is through a grassroots movement. That is, of supporters in every state, every town, and every community.
Everyone has a role in this fight, and it starts with committing to be a part of Team Warren — sending a message that quick fixes or nibbling around the edges won’t work anymore. We need big, structural change, and with your help, we’re fighting for it.
That’s why we’re reaching out to you, because your voice matters, and we need you in this fight. So we’re asking:
Can you add your name today to endorse Elizabeth?
What difference does my measly 2 bucks make?
A little while ago, I heard about a man in New Hampshire who’d just lost his job but still donated $2 to our campaign.
I don’t take that lightly. I don’t want anyone to make a donation that doesn’t fit in their budget. So I want you to know that every single contribution means a great deal to me and, more importantly, to our movement. I owe something to you and every grassroots donor: a promise that I’ll fight just as hard as you do.
That man knew that his $2 donation would matter, and it does. He knew that his contribution would help level the playing field for families across the country, and it will.
He knew that he was joining the fight alongside millions of people he’d never meet. Because we pick up each other’s fights as our own. I’m grateful down to my toes that he’s in this fight and that you’re in this fight, too. It means the world to me, and every single donation brings us closer to big, structural change.
When I’m President, we’ll have a government that listens to, and works for, the people. So reach deep into your pockets to chip in $2 at a time. Because we are not helped by those who can donate $2,000 without blinking an eye.

Sexy Stephy Says:
One way to fight back is buy Malcolm’s book The Plot to Destroy Democracy and read it and give it to everybody you know“The Plot to Destroy Democracy”
See other Malcolm Nance posts -click here
Now that 2020 has begun, campaigns will be reporting fundraising numbers publicly each month, instead of every quarter.
Can you chip in $2 or anything you can right now to help hit our weekly fundraising goal in the Warren lead up to Iowa?
We were out-raised last quarter by some of the other candidates in the race. That means that January needs to be our strongest fundraising month yet! So our team is setting weekly goals to hit and stay on track before the FEC deadline at the end of the month.
Our fundraising goal for January is ambitious, and that’s because of all the work we need to do this month.
With the lead up to Iowa caucuses and early voting contests just days away. So now is the time to be knocking on doors, making calls, buying ads. Generally, connecting with as many voters as possible. As always, we’re relying on grassroots support to do it all.
So when you make your first donation right now, you’ll help hit this critical weekly goal. Also help provide all the resources we need. Because it’s crucial to accomplish all of the outreach, advertising, and organizing that needs to get done right now. The Warren Campaign’s lead up to Iowa is a very important time.
Thanks for all that you do,
Team Warren
All content © 2020 Warren for President, All Rights Reserved PO Box 171375, Boston, MA 02117 |
These emails are repeated here gratis as a public service of Motiv8ionN8ion.com | |
Click here to donate by mail. |
We are in the 3rd week of Warren lead up to the Iowa Caucus. Bernie Sanders is in position to win this important primary contest, unashamed to be a progressive liberal.
So please help with your donations, phone calling, opinion polling in the lead up to the Iowa Caucus.

Sexy Stephy Says:
One way to fight back is buy Malcolm’s book The Plot to Destroy Democracy and read it and give it to everybody you know“The Plot to Destroy Democracy”
See other Malcolm Nance posts -click here