Impeach Trump National Rally Day
This Tuesday (Dec. 17) Is Impeach Trump National Rally Day
Get out in the streets this week to demonstrate for an impartial impeachment in the Senate after a decisive vote to impeach Trump in the House of Representatives. This will be a national rally day for enforcing the balance of powers and restoring our democracy. Indivisible, MoveOn and other groups are organizing this action. Don’t tolerate Republicans obstruction to cover Trump abuse of power.
Demonstrate For The Coming Impeachment of Donald Trump
From Robert Reich, 12/17/9
Hi, fellow MoveOn member!
I will keep this email short and to the point: The House of Representatives is expected to vote on the impeachment of Donald Trump in about 36 hours, and I am asking you to chip in $3 to help fund MoveOn’s all-hands-on deck impeachment effort.

MoveOn is doing all it can to make sure that the House votes tomorrow to impeach Trump. Your donation to MoveOn will be put to immediate use to:
- Turn out protesters in communities across the country the night before the House vote. More than 100,000 people in all 50 states have now signed up to attend rallies on the eve of the House vote to call on Congress to impeach and remove Trump. There’s been a huge surge of activism and public support for impeachment over the past few days, and MoveOn needs to channel the momentum into more events and greater turnout. MoveOn needs to raise enough money to make sure that these protests are seen by millions by promoting them online and through social networks and earned media, to rent stages and audio equipment, to print and ship signs and other materials to the biggest events, to do enough press pitches to propel these events to the front pages of local papers, to coordinate with dozens of organizations on the ground, and more.
- Keep camera crews at the Capitol in Washington, D.C., to confront members of Congress. MoveOn activists have been asking a very simple question of Republicans: Is it OK for a president to solicit help from a foreign government to win an election? Republicans are literally running and hiding to avoid answering this question, so MoveOn is focusing on the Republicans most likely to break with Trump, capturing their responses, featuring it in digital videos, and sharing the videos far and wide to ramp up the pressure they feel.
- Keep phones ringing off the hook. MoveOn’s most efficient way to connect droves of activists to their lawmakers costs about $2 per phone call. It requires dedicated analyst time, payments to MoveOn’s call vendor for every single call—which add up quickly—and legal costs, too, because the rules in every state are different. And while there are cheaper ways to connect some (smaller) number of calls, MoveOn simply can’t connect anywhere close to this volume of calls any other way.
This is a historic moment. If you’re anything like me, when you think back on this moment years from now, you’ll want to be sure that you did everything you could, left no stone unturned, and gave this fight your all.
I’m sending you this email today because I want to do everything I can to support MoveOn’s effort to rally to impeach Trump, and the best way that I can do that is by making sure that millions of people around the country get this message and chip in what they can to MoveOn. We need you.
Please. Chip in $3 now and help fund MoveOn’s all-hands-on-deck push to impeach Donald Trump.
Thanks for all you do.
–Robert Reich
Want to support MoveOn’s work? The MoveOn community will work every moment, day by day and year by year, to resist Trump’s agenda, contain the damage, defeat hate with love, and begin the process of swinging the nation’s pendulum back toward sanity, decency, and the kind of future that we must never give up on. And to do it MoveOn needs your support, now more than ever. Will you stand with MoveOn?
Click here to chip in $3, or whatever you can afford.
Contributions to MoveOn Civic Action are not tax-deductible for income tax purposes. You’re recieving this email because you took action with MoveOn. MoveOn is where millions mobilize for a better society—one where everyone can thrive. MoveOn members are committed to an inclusive and progressive future. We envision a world marked by equality, sustainability, justice, and love. And we mobilize together to achieve it.
MoveOn members are a force for social justice and political progress. We come from all 50 states and all walks of life. Then together, we are at once large and nimble, targeting our resources purposefully, yet pivoting quickly as we identify new opportunities for change and mobilize to seize them. Our rapid-response organizing and campaigning, communications interventions, digital innovation, rigorous data science and testing, and culture of grassroots participation have repeatedly combined to produce real-world impact, changing outcomes and making our country better. Repeated here gratis as a public service of
Need To Impeach Is Making Sure You Have A Place To Rally To Impeach and Remove Donald Trump
Find the impeach Trump rally nearest to you for this week.