President Barack Obama Has Given A Call To Action To Flip the Senate
We must flip the Senate to turn this nation around. President Barack Obama has made his call to action. Will you heed the call? Trump’s favorability rating is going to bring down the GOP around him. The only path to political survival is in any direction away from Donald trump. Will the Republican led Senate put justice before party, or will they double down and circle their wagons around this loose cannon? History will not be kind to those craven politicians who think they are above the law whenever it benefits their party. Nothing can withstand the power of millions of voices calling for change!
This is a great time to multiply the force of your donation to Campaign to flip the Senate.
The Republicans in the Senate are not they assortment of Tea Party newbies and fanatics that voted in lock-step to let Trump get away with stealing the presidency with much love from Russia. We need to flip the Senate, not just with the bare minimum 4 seats w need. We want to sweep every incumbent Republican out of office. There’s about a dozen vulnerable seats the Democratic Party can and should pick up. However you have to show that you want it enough to put your money where your love for country is.