Author: admin-Resist

  • Bernie Sanders speaks against obstructionist, Senator Joe Manchin. Tell him to stop obstructing

    Bernie Speaks About Obstructionist Joe Manchin

    Bernie Sanders speaks out about that blue-dog obstructionist, Senator Joe Manchin. Tell him to stop obstructing the Democratic Party agenda. Whether it's Build Back Better, climate change, green energy, child care for working women, medical reform, or the For the People Act voting rights. Manchin keeps coming down on the wrong side of the fence, and the wrong side of history.

  • Kyle Rittenhouse Trumpster Youth monster

    Kyle Rittenhouse- A Monster Is Born

    Kyle Rittenhouse is a monster,  born of a right wing media worldview, Proud Boys, and Wisconsin cops always looking for violence loopholes. Any ability to get civilians to shoot protesters is  desirable to them, but they hit gold with Kyle's killing spree being acquitted. Expect to see Republican politicians and the talking heads that script them to seize upon Kyle as the ultimate poster boy

  • Help Biden Build Better Support

    Help Build Back Better With Joe Biden

    We want the infrastructure updated with the newest technology, our damaged democratic process given guard rails against voter disenfranchisement, and our energy system of the 1880's replaced with renewable decentralized wind and solar power.

  • voter empowerment needs to end the fikibuster

    June Is Time To Restore Voter Confidence With MoveOn

    Help MoveOn restore voter access for all US citizens to the ballot process and confidence in getting the changes we voted for. Resist Trumpism in our legislature, sign the petition to remove Marjorie "Trailer" Greene. Contact your Senator about the need to end the filibuster. Also help MoveOn fight for progressive democratic candidates to win in 2012. Did you join 70% of the country? Go get your ouchie voucher today.

  • The Final Word On Bill Barr

    The Last Word on Trumpster AG Barr is finally out. Made it to the end of the Trump Administration and his special immunities. The last word on Bill Barr will come down hard.